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border bitch improving

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my little border bitch has started to work a bit better than usual, she is a small type that usually just bays and bolts the odd one, she is not the type to get up close and personal, that is untill last weekend, i was just checking afew places out, when she went to ground, started to bay, well she done well, i dug a brace out, first was the dog then abit further on the vixen, she had 2 teeth loose i was hoping they would reset, but they did,nt, so this weekend i went local for a walk out with the 3 borders, they flushed one fox from cover and the dog had a bit of a hunt on him, about a mile further on the terriers were in and bouncing about abit when i just noticed some snow falling from the bramble and out popped a fox, he was afair size,he ran down the track and was going to double back but seen me on top of the hill, so he went straight on, next thing the border dog is on his scent and went the same way as the fox, it was good to watch the dog legging it after him, so the dogs off and gone, next thing my bitch is out of the brambles and away along the bank, i could just see her through the gaps, she started to yap abit then she went to ground and i dug to her fast to a vixen, im hoping she will do ok from now on, time will tell,or maybe it was just a couple of one off,s,this morning my border dog bolted one and the lurcher missed it, he came out of the banking [ its an old tip ] covered in grease around his neck, so the wife has just stripped him out for me, and to top it all off we spooked 3 big fallow from cover and they went straight across the frosty field a good sight to see,

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