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pup food

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Mine gets allsorts but for example yday 1st meal cup of autarky puppy 2nd raw beef with lamb fat with kidneys, 3rd meal cooked chicken "cooked because thats how i got it"with veg n pasta, today he had a cup full of autarky puppy then this arvo he had raw duck neck with duck liver n heart with some raw beef n a piece of lamb fat, tonight he will have leftover resturaunt spagbol with some cooked duck through it n fresh veg,sim tommorow but il include a raw whole fish meal then the next day he'l have raw heart/liver in the mix then a rabbit or chicken carcass etc,the older dogs get similar just not 3 times aday, just get the best you can get n give as much variety as you can, they also get keepers mix n cod liver oil depending if they've had offal on that day or not,thats just my opinion anyway. :thumbs:

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