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Second kill with the Tench tuned and regged Ultra


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Hi guys,


Just a quick post showing my second kill with the new Tench tuned and regged Ultra in .177 calibre.


The pellets were Bisley Magnums.


The first kill was a rat that thought it was safe.


Both kills were taken at Mark Vinings pig farm.


The rat which I didn’t photo was at about 8 metres and the jackdaw was at 43 metres and taken with a neck shot.






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Thanks Davy bud.


The magnums are 10.5 grain, washed and lubed.


I've got the shot on scope camera but I'm saving it for the DVD now.


The jackdaw landed just as I was going to film a 5 shot 45 metre group so it would of been naughty not to feed him some lead.



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Yeah I agree buster bud.


I chronoed mine today for the first time with the magnums and it's sitting at a very very very consistent 11.83 ft/lbs.


It's actually more consistent than my r10 and that's a awesome rifle.


Tench defo knows how to tune and tinker.


He's doing my r10 next month. I've asked for as much that can be done to it to be done, as if it was his own rifle.


He assures me it will be awesome.



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  On 27/11/2010 at 18:20, zini said:

Yeah I agree buster bud.


I chronoed mine today for the first time with the magnums and it's sitting at a very very very consistent 11.83 ft/lbs.


It's actually more consistent than my r10 and that's a awesome rifle.


Tench defo knows how to tune and tinker.


He's doing my r10 next month. I've asked for as much that can be done to it to be done, as if it was his own rifle.


He assures me it will be awesome.






Hiya Si.


She look's verrrry nice there buddy :thumbs: .

Good shooting too mate.


How did you find she grouped at 45 with the magnams?

Got to say your brave having her that close to the limit buddy :hmm:


Tench is a genious with them isnt he.


You wont be able to put her down now :laugh:








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Thanks guys.


Yes she does 75 full power shots in .177 and more in .22.


Yes I did do a 3 shot group with the ultra mate as I wanted to check my calibration data was spot on.


With no wind on the farm I managed to put 3 magnums on top of each other at 45 metres.


The rifle is very consistent.


Yes Tony the itch is eased off a little lol, till tomorrow.



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hi ya si pal

fantastic shooting as always buddy :thumbs:

lovely gun to buddy i do like the ultra but i just couldn't get on with the cocking of it hence why i went for my tenched scorpion

just got me well the wife got me a bargin today a panasonic sdr-h40 camcorder for £30.00 with a 8 gig sd card with it as well nice little cam and with night shot to :thumbs: so i will have some nice footage for all my friends on here soon thats if work dont keep calling me :censored::thumbdown: but hey work is work hey matey

well i hope you liked your birthday post tony did well with that bless him :thumbs: hope to see you soon si pal



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  On 27/11/2010 at 23:55, zini said:


Yes Tony the itch is eased off a little lol, till tomorrow.





you wanna watch those itches si, can turn out very painfull mate :whistling:


glad youre liking the ultra, looks a lovely tool mate, and is obviously well accurate,like its owner :notworthy:


all the best, wurz

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