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High seat foxes

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I braved the freezing cold yesterday afternoon and was up in my seat by 3pm hoping for a Roe doe. There were plenty of slots in the snow but after an hour and a half of sitting still and seeing nothing I'd had enough and made the decision to call it a night, and it was too dark and cold to have to worry about a gralloch. I picked up my rifle to unload and a fox popped out of a gause bush to my right at about 5 yards from the seat, it sat there looking at me before deciding things weren't quite right and shooting back into cover. Rifle up, quick squeak and it appeared about 40 yards to my front and got 140 grains of good news. Healthy dog, good size and teeth so guestimate 2 years old.



I cranked another round in out of habit just in time to hear another rustle to my right, feck me another fox, same drill as before, looked at me and took the same route as the one before. Squeak squeak and it appears about 50 yards out to my front, another squeak, head up, BANG! Nice head shot. One of last years cubs I think.



Pants pic quality but the cold had killed my camera and the phone was crap in the dark.


No deer but a 2 fox bonus for getting numb toes and gibbering cold.

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