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Am sure if merle took his dog out it wouldn't refuse to run he just chooses not to run an 99% of us agree with him. My dogs will run werever aim the lamp regardless of the conditions it's me that decides where an when but I just wouldn't risk ripped pads knocked up toes for the sake of being impatient. . All the best SHanded. .

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Grounds to hard, grounds to soft, grounds to stony, moons up, to frosty, no wind, to much rain, not enough rain, etc, etc, etc, !! FFS !! Get out whenever you want ! Don't worry about getting "the per

Bang on.

it was -5 last night in my area and i was out lamping and i will also go out tonite.

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Am sure if merle took his dog out it wouldn't refuse to run he just chooses not to run an 99% of us agree with him. My dogs will run werever aim the lamp regardless of the conditions it's me that decides where an when but I just wouldn't risk ripped pads knocked up toes for the sake of being impatient. . All the best SHanded. .



your missing the point that i am trying to get across,or maybe i am wording it wrong,

i am not telling anybody to run there dogs in a -4,

what i am saying is dont mug off the lads that have dogs that can run in any condition. :thumbs:


I dont see what anybody would GAIN from having a dog that can run in ANY CONDITIONS in the UK. . . So why would i MUG anyone off??. We are in the UK NOT THE NORTH POLE. .


All the Best. . SHanded. .

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just admit it was a stupid comment instead of going all round the tree's, like folk have said,, big moon,, no wind etc,,, fair enough but

to run your dog in these condition's would be crazy to say the least...


ps i was surposed to quote CHARTPOLSKI


They wont admit that mate,, they wouldnt swallow humble pie in the open,, let them rip the pads off there dogs and smash there toes and nails up, leave em too it they will learn the hard way sooner or later.


i think what pisses you of the most is the fact that some people have dogs that can run in any conditon,and yours cant.


Yeah sure dread,, just like S, H,, as just stated the dogs will run any conditions,,, ive ran my dogs in the wrong conditions in the past,, winter and summer and had to lay the dogs up,,ran a young bitch i bred on a sports pitch after rabbits on summers night when the ground was hard and ripped her stopper pads to bits the dog would have kept running if i let her,,, you live and learn,, well some of us do anyway.

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in all fairness summer hunters are not real hunters

its one thing walking your dogs over the land to stretch thier legs and clean themselves out

but to go out in summer purposly to hunt is just cutting your own throat for the season and then ppl moan when thier season is a bad one

we have all done it at least once in our hunting career i myself done it when i first started hunting

i was out all year round and some of my ground is still suffering from it to this day so in order to bring stocks back in to these areas i have been relocating a lot of my rabbits caught back into these areas

just a thought for anyone that still hunts in the summer


with the exception to fox as these have to be controlled no matter what time of year it is :thumbs:


Exactually,, glad to see there are still people who talk sense,, theres nothing wrong with getting a pup a couple of easy runs , but some lads go out full bore all year around and wonder why theres nothing come season,,, take a look at the threads on here back in summer with pics of what theyve caught etc etc,, now take a look at there profile and see if they have posted any good bags since its come winter.


so are you bringin your super dog over to run with my piece of shit id like to see a top super dog run with mine


Think youre the one claiming super dog pal running them in this,,,you seem to get confused pretty easily,,,yet again.

im not biging my dog up and never will your the one calling me a bellend and saying your dog is so good so bring him over and run him with my 17 month old sack of shit with his fu-ked up feet what you got to lose :whistling:

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in all fairness summer hunters are not real hunters

its one thing walking your dogs over the land to stretch thier legs and clean themselves out

but to go out in summer purposly to hunt is just cutting your own throat for the season and then ppl moan when thier season is a bad one

we have all done it at least once in our hunting career i myself done it when i first started hunting

i was out all year round and some of my ground is still suffering from it to this day so in order to bring stocks back in to these areas i have been relocating a lot of my rabbits caught back into these areas

just a thought for anyone that still hunts in the summer


with the exception to fox as these have to be controlled no matter what time of year it is :thumbs:


Exactually,, glad to see there are still people who talk sense,, theres nothing wrong with getting a pup a couple of easy runs , but some lads go out full bore all year around and wonder why theres nothing come season,,, take a look at the threads on here back in summer with pics of what theyve caught etc etc,, now take a look at there profile and see if they have posted any good bags since its come winter.


so are you bringin your super dog over to run with my piece of shit id like to see a top super dog run with mine


Think youre the one claiming super dog pal running them in this,,,you seem to get confused pretty easily,,,yet again.

im not biging my dog up and never will your the one calling me a bellend and saying your dog is so good so bring him over and run him with my 17 month old sack of shit with his fu-ked up feet what you got to lose :whistling:


ERRRR,, yes you are,, youre claiming your dog can run on anything anytime, so you are claiming the feats fella not me,, therefore i have nothing to prove so why would i go out of my way to do so !

If you are so bothered then go out tonight and film the action for us all to see,, and i will film my dogs sat in the pen because that my friend is where they will be spending there nights untill this freeze slackens its grip.

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out in the day for a mooch but no way would i run my dogs in this weather the ground is like concrete it only takes 1 mis hap and there working life could be over why risk it if we dont need to its not like the whole winter will be like it so we dont have to unlike other colder countries that run this all winter where the best dogs that run in it and the ones that pick up the least injuries are bred from are bred horses for courses so they say now i aint saying none of your dogs cant run in this but why do it theres not as much out anyway

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i think alot depends on the ground, you might get away with a couple of runs on medowland when froze solid but still risky imo,but where we lamp its nearly all winter wheat,rape and tractor ruts every 50 yards and when this freezes solid and the old stones and flint dont move youd be plain crazy to run on it, but like i said each to there own

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go have a look and abit of a walk, if something pops up then just slip it, the ground may be hard for the dog but it will also be hard for the prey . ATB :)



mate ,with respect, you miss the point,the dog may/will get injured and an injured dog is expensive/a pain in the arse when the ground sofens up and you cant lamp/just not fair to the dog.dont get me wrong ime no tree hugging animal rights type but i love dogs.

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Am sure if merle took his dog out it wouldn't refuse to run he just chooses not to run an 99% of us agree with him. My dogs will run werever aim the lamp regardless of the conditions it's me that decides where an when but I just wouldn't risk ripped pads knocked up toes for the sake of being impatient. . All the best SHanded. .



your missing the point that i am trying to get across,or maybe i am wording it wrong,

i am not telling anybody to run there dogs in a -4,

what i am saying is dont mug off the lads that have dogs that can run in any condition. :thumbs:


I dont see what anybody would GAIN from having a dog that can run in ANY CONDITIONS in the UK. . . So why would i MUG anyone off??. We are in the UK NOT THE NORTH POLE. .


All the Best. . SHanded. .

thers not a person on this site that wouldnt like a dog that could run in any condition on any ground,SO WHAT YOU HAVE SAID IS TOTALLY WRONG

My parents have a BOXER that can run in any conditions but i wouldnt take that lampin. Anyone can keep dogs that can run in any conditions but to keep these dogs would be stupid in the UK as they lose the abilitys to catch hare,rabbit,fox,deer. Now Just admit the people sayin (WE LAMP ARE DOGS IN ANY CONDITIONS) Are just after a pat on the back sayin well in for gettin dogs out. Well i wont say that because people keepin running dogs WILL NOT RUN ON A SOLID GROUND. There for use are the ones lookin like CLOWNS. .



An before you start on me here is a picture from last year when the snow an frost came.


But snow had abit of give in it. So dont get on my back thinkin am making EXCUSES not to get out because you lot couldnt be more WRONG...


All the best SHanded. . :thumbs: Shot an retrieved. . Before use start. .

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Am sure if merle took his dog out it wouldn't refuse to run he just chooses not to run an 99% of us agree with him. My dogs will run werever aim the lamp regardless of the conditions it's me that decides where an when but I just wouldn't risk ripped pads knocked up toes for the sake of being impatient. . All the best SHanded. .



your missing the point that i am trying to get across,or maybe i am wording it wrong,

i am not telling anybody to run there dogs in a -4,

what i am saying is dont mug off the lads that have dogs that can run in any condition. :thumbs:


I dont see what anybody would GAIN from having a dog that can run in ANY CONDITIONS in the UK. . . So why would i MUG anyone off??. We are in the UK NOT THE NORTH POLE. .


All the Best. . SHanded. .

thers not a person on this site that wouldnt like a dog that could run in any condition on any ground,SO WHAT YOU HAVE SAID IS TOTALLY WRONG

My parents have a BOXER that can run in any conditions but i wouldnt take that lampin. Anyone can keep dogs that can run in any conditions but to keep these dogs would be stupid in the UK as they lose the abilitys to catch hare,rabbit,fox,deer. Just admit the people sayin (WE LAMP ARE DOGS IN ANY CONDITIONS) Are just after a pat on the back sayin well in for gettin dogs out. Well i wont say that because people keepin running dogs WILL NOT RUN ON A SOLID GROUND. There for use are the ones lookin like CLOWNS. .



An before you start on me here is a picture from last year when the snow an frost came.


But snow had abit of give in it. So dont get on my back thinkin am making EXCUSES not to get out because you lot couldnt be more WRONG...


All the best SHanded. . :thumbs: Shot an retrieved. . Before use start. .

this is where my comment (snow is one thing hard frost is another) i take my dogs out in snow as thier feet dont make contact with the solid ground beneath

nice catches shanded

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Am sure if merle took his dog out it wouldn't refuse to run he just chooses not to run an 99% of us agree with him. My dogs will run werever aim the lamp regardless of the conditions it's me that decides where an when but I just wouldn't risk ripped pads knocked up toes for the sake of being impatient. . All the best SHanded. .



your missing the point that i am trying to get across,or maybe i am wording it wrong,

i am not telling anybody to run there dogs in a -4,

what i am saying is dont mug off the lads that have dogs that can run in any condition. :thumbs:


I dont see what anybody would GAIN from having a dog that can run in ANY CONDITIONS in the UK. . . So why would i MUG anyone off??. We are in the UK NOT THE NORTH POLE. .


All the Best. . SHanded. .

thers not a person on this site that wouldnt like a dog that could run in any condition on any ground,SO WHAT YOU HAVE SAID IS TOTALLY WRONG

My parents have a BOXER that can run in any conditions but i wouldnt take that lampin. Anyone can keep dogs that can run in any conditions but to keep these dogs would be stupid in the UK as they lose the abilitys to catch hare,rabbit,fox,deer. Just admit the people sayin (WE LAMP ARE DOGS IN ANY CONDITIONS) Are just after a pat on the back sayin well in for gettin dogs out. Well i wont say that because people keepin running dogs WILL NOT RUN ON A SOLID GROUND. There for use are the ones lookin like CLOWNS. .



An before you start on me here is a picture from last year when the snow an frost came.


But snow had abit of give in it. So dont get on my back thinkin am making EXCUSES not to get out because you lot couldnt be more WRONG...


All the best SHanded. . :thumbs: Shot an retrieved. . Before use start. .

this is where my comment (snow is one thing hard frost is another) i take my dogs out in snow as thier feet dont make contact with the solid ground beneath

nice catches shanded

An the people with abit of SENSE knew what you meant Pal. . All the best. . :thumbs:

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Am sure if merle took his dog out it wouldn't refuse to run he just chooses not to run an 99% of us agree with him. My dogs will run werever aim the lamp regardless of the conditions it's me that decides where an when but I just wouldn't risk ripped pads knocked up toes for the sake of being impatient. . All the best SHanded. .



your missing the point that i am trying to get across,or maybe i am wording it wrong,

i am not telling anybody to run there dogs in a -4,

what i am saying is dont mug off the lads that have dogs that can run in any condition. :thumbs:


I dont see what anybody would GAIN from having a dog that can run in ANY CONDITIONS in the UK. . . So why would i MUG anyone off??. We are in the UK NOT THE NORTH POLE. .


All the Best. . SHanded. .

thers not a person on this site that wouldnt like a dog that could run in any condition on any ground,SO WHAT YOU HAVE SAID IS TOTALLY WRONG

My parents have a BOXER that can run in any conditions but i wouldnt take that lampin. Anyone can keep dogs that can run in any conditions but to keep these dogs would be stupid in the UK as they lose the abilitys to catch hare,rabbit,fox,deer. Just admit the people sayin (WE LAMP ARE DOGS IN ANY CONDITIONS) Are just after a pat on the back sayin well in for gettin dogs out. Well i wont say that because people keepin running dogs WILL NOT RUN ON A SOLID GROUND. There for use are the ones lookin like CLOWNS. .



An before you start on me here is a picture from last year when the snow an frost came.


But snow had abit of give in it. So dont get on my back thinkin am making EXCUSES not to get out because you lot couldnt be more WRONG...


All the best SHanded. . :thumbs: Shot an retrieved. . Before use start. .

your saying the malamute x are slow no good for rabbit hare fox or anthing else with a bit of speed ,your a clever bloke you know what you are talking about ,

Well ill be honest i know alot of lads with working dogs an i dont know ONE That OWNS a MALAMUTE X. So that alone says enough for me about that x. But hey its horses for courses if your happy then thats all that matters. . :thumbs:

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