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I.D Tag Legal Requirement

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Has anyone heard or been told that it is a legal requirement for a dog to wear an I.D tag on its collar in a public place?


There is a sign in the window at the place I go for dog food stating just this and that failure to comply can carry a £5k fine!


Never heard anything like it, never had one on a dog yet I don't think.



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It IS against the law for a dog to not be wearing a name tag and a collar with your surname, adress/postcode and telephone number on, if it gets lost and is found a stray by the dog warden etc this is when the fine will come into place. A tag costs a mere £5 which is alot better than £5k!!!

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It IS against the law for a dog to not be wearing a name tag and a collar with your surname, adress/postcode and telephone number on, if it gets lost and is found a stray by the dog warden etc this is when the fine will come into place. A tag costs a mere £5 which is alot better than £5k!!!



it is a legal requierment and it must have a post code and a phone number on :thumbs:

I walk mine around on bailer twine yet i always pick up the poo :thumbs:
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It IS against the law for a dog to not be wearing a name tag and a collar with your surname, adress/postcode and telephone number on, if it gets lost and is found a stray by the dog warden etc this is when the fine will come into place. A tag costs a mere £5 which is alot better than £5k!!!



it is a legal requierment and it must have a post code and a phone number on :thumbs:

I walk mine around on bailer twine yet i always pick up the poo :thumbs:

my dog had one on and i took it off cos if he ever went mouching and some one got him they would know his name to get him to work for them so i dont put it on any more :thumbs:
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I don't plan on my dog running off to be honest. Surely something like this should be optional?


If my dog goes walkies and the person who finds him doesn't know he's mine then surely that's my problem?


As said by Malc, having a dogs name available to a thief is just helping them out really.

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There is an exemption for working dogs but only when they are working. I just had a fine of £60 today for my rotty being loose after some theiving C**Ts let her out to get at my working dogs. I tried to argue that she was a working dogs as she is loose in the garden to protect my kenneled dogs but the gits opened the gates and she ran out and someone found her in the village and called the local dog warden, you just can't argue with these types of people.

If your walking your lurcher where you have permission and its on a fixed lead and no name tag your breaking the law but if its on a slip lead you deemed to be working the dog so your ok

However if your dog is chipped you might just be able to talk your way out of a fine.

These laws just dont make sense.

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That's shit mate. As if it ain't bad enough someone let your dog out. Now you got a fine.


World is on its arse.

Tell me about it. But partly my fault, the rotty I got just isn't hard enough. Next one will be though.

Thats the second time shes been let out it also happened last thursday night.

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Yeh, not knocking your guard dog but if thieves can just let it out then it aint doing the job buddy.


Especially if you've got someone coming round regular interested in your dogs.


Best deterrent I've seen was Cane Corso x Presa Canario and it did its job.. Also seen some evil looking rotty x mastiffs.



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