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I only had 1 cock bird and I didnt shoot it so I had to share :whistling: plus I try to get me mates to eat a bit of wild food. I went with pheasant nugget wraps. Breast the bird and cut into decent pieces,soak in milk in the fridge for an hour. Mix half cup of flour,1 and a half teaspoon of paprika,half tea of salt and a quarter tea of pepper and I added a shake of chilli powder. Coat the pheasant,leave to dry on a wire rack for half hour then deep fry for 3/4 minutes and do what you will with the nuggets. My 7 yr daughter loved it,and she seen the bird whole too. The lads loved it,said it wasnt too far away from KFC.

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I only had 1 cock bird and I didnt shoot it so I had to share :whistling: plus I try to get me mates to eat a bit of wild food. I went with pheasant nugget wraps. Breast the bird and cut into decent pieces,soak in milk in the fridge for an hour. Mix half cup of flour,1 and a half teaspoon of paprika,half tea of salt and a quarter tea of pepper and I added a shake of chilli powder. Coat the pheasant,leave to dry on a wire rack for half hour then deep fry for 3/4 minutes and do what you will with the nuggets. My 7 yr daughter loved it,and she seen the bird whole too. The lads loved it,said it wasnt too far away from KFC.

I always have pheasant with some other meat ,but that is going to get a once over :thumbs:

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  • 2 months later...

Don't know if this is differnt for you but the rest of my family don't like roast pheasant so we make burgers.

breasts and leg meat from 2 birds minced up with 2/3 slices of belly pork,

mix with breadcrumbs (2 slicesof bread), 1 onion (finely sliced), 1 egg and some herbs.

normally makes 10 burgers.


hope you like



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  • 3 weeks later...

this is a recipe i was given by an aunt who lived her whole life in a village near Bridgewater called Weston Zoyland.it got its parculiar name in the days when even the mention of pheasant for tea would get you up before the beak! as with most old country recipes the quantities are aproximate Aunty Conie would just add apinch of this and a shake of that but she finally put it to paper before she died in the 1980's.


1 plump pheasant,hung for 3 days .

2 tablespoons of seasoned flour

2 oz dripping or bacon fat.

2 tablespoons of condensed tomato ,ie paste or home condensed and potted.

1 pint of stock (rabbit stock idealy but chicken or pheasant will do!)

1 good sized onion.

1lb carrots sliced not peeled.

1 cricket ball sized turnip peeled and dixed

a pinch of garden herbs ,sage thyme,parsley chives.

half a jug of cider (half a pint)


joint the bird into four and toss in seasoned flour,then brown in a pan with the fat.remove to a casserole dish and deglaze the pan with the cider then add the remaining flour and herbs then pour over the bird in the casserole dish.

Now add the rest of the ingredients ,cover and cook in a moderate oven for an hour and a half.serve with red currant jelly.

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