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I bred the best lurcher in the world

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At last video footage, proof posotive of that mystic creature,that beast of legend, that veritable canine chimera,paragon of virtues

so often written about by "in the know" scribes of the eighties (well one anyway).


Carefully and secretly line bred in a potting shed in Merthyr by a gypsy family long since settled and now working as freelance podiatrists

(also windows cleaned).


These canny folk, wary of strangers and waryer still of personal cleanliness(not to mention the British Medical Assoc.) divulged their secrets to only one man,a man himself steeped in ancient languages and magic (and dog urine) a former boxer, bouncer, pedagogue,miner, Gamekeeeper, trainer of fighting crickets, French cabaret chanteuse and author of romantic fiction.


Doubters and neigh sayers have abounded, but now this fabulous true all rounder, a dog of almost mensa level intelligence, with the heart of Red Rum, the speed of a cheetah and the triple layered water repeling, nuclear fall out excluding coat can be seen.


No bull breed comes near it for courage and tenacity, no saluki hybrid for its grace and stamina, no herding dog hybrid for its brains and sixth sense ability and no two stroke engine for the din it makes.


Books will be written about its lineage, how in a desperate bid to save this ancient type a man, alone scoured the dog rescue homes and roughest of retirement villages in Britain to find the last remaining examples of this "noted" breed.

Then through an intimate knowledge of eugenics and tireless self promotion was able to bring it to the attention of the fieldsports public and

the advert columns of Exchange and Mart.


Associations will be formed, and amoeaba like split and multiply arguing for ever, the true origin of the falsetto yip and the amazing stamina.

Was it the judicous addition of genuine working Shardoodle or the lucky street corner mating with the famous "Bob" a misalliance betwixt a fox terrier and a dish mop, a canine Don Juan of prodigous voice and even greater libido. Time will tell. Move over Bull X, shove off Patterdales,

adieu Deerhounds the next canine be all and end all has arrived!

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