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shooting hares

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for one of gods greatest creations to be killed at the hands of a gun is a crying shame,fair enough on unrunnable land,but where theres a chance of coursing them why shoot these magnificant creatures.im very biassed but i despise people who shoot them,when i could be putting a dog behind them.

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we were out yesterday with both dogs and guns ,if it was a simple case of only being a few hares and a bit of enjoyment ,dog every time but its not that straight forward .my mate works on a grouse moor and there are thousands of hares there and i mean thousands :icon_eek: but unfortunatly for the hares my mates gaffer wants them thinned out and running on these moors dogs will only account for a little amount as its hard running ,so this is when the guns come in and there is no doubt some where shot and injured which aint good ,some where shot and got away others where picked up by the dogs .Ithink if i was a hare and was given the chioce i would shout slip that dog and give me a chance to run for my life :clapper:

Edited by zap
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I go onto Gin's permission now and again, and I commented on the absence of hares, he told me the farmers shot them all as they were sick of having to round up the cattle off the A19 after the lampers had been and left all the gates open. Sad but true.


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I go onto Gin's permission now and again, and I commented on the absence of hares, he told me the farmers shot them all as they were sick of having to round up the cattle off the A19 after the lampers had been and left all the gates open. Sad but true.




I am about to lose some of my permission as the land had a healthy (very) population of hares. I don't have the dogs for hares so left them alone as that was also the farmers wishes, however I haven't seen a hare for three months now as they have been lamped to death (excuse the pun) and the farmer is so cheesed off I think he is about to stop people coming onto his land :cry:

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Guest Magwitch

I go onto Gin's permission now and again, and I commented on the absence of hares, he told me the farmers shot them all as they were sick of having to round up the cattle off the A19 after the lampers had been and left all the gates open. Sad but true.




I am about to lose some of my permission as the land had a healthy (very) population of hares. I don't have the dogs for hares so left them alone as that was also the farmers wishes, however I haven't seen a hare for three months now as they have been lamped to death (excuse the pun) and the farmer is so cheesed off I think he is about to stop people coming onto his land :cry:

exactly the point i was making. there are not many hares around my way the reason being that the local travellers take them all year round and the farmers dont want to attract these numptys. i dont mine people shooting a hare for the pot but hare drives are not sporting in my eyes. i also like to see a hare coursed but also like to see it get away, maybe i am getting soft in my old age :hmm: they are magnificent creatures and deserve to be treated so,

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we were out yesterday with both dogs and guns ,if it was a simple case of only being a few hares and a bit of enjoyment ,dog every time but its not that straight forward .my mate works on a grouse moor and there are thousands of hares there and i mean thousands :icon_eek: but unfortunatly for the hares my mates gaffer wants them thinned out and running on these moors dogs will only account for a little amount as its hard running ,so this is when the guns come in and there is no doubt some where shot and injured which aint good ,some where shot and got away others where picked up by the dogs .Ithink if i was a hare and was given the chioce i would shout slip that dog and give me a chance to run for my life :clapper:


as you have so many could you give me some down south as we dont have many at all, there were hundreds here about 10 years ago they shot 80 one day on the local shoot :no: ive seen the record book, but the keeper said he likes to see them but hes glad there not here anymore because the pikies used to course them and he dont want that as then they start taking the pheseants

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coursing everytime ...wasa down fens last season, when a dog coursed a hare infront of a shoot, the dog killed the hare after a grueller of a course and they went ballastic, i went to get the dog and one of the guys shouted me over and showed me the trailer that they were keeping there catch on...there was about 70 hares.....dicks :(

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coursing everytime ...wasa down fens last season, when a dog coursed a hare infront of a shoot, the dog killed the hare after a grueller of a course and they went ballastic, i went to get the dog and one of the guys shouted me over and showed me the trailer that they were keeping there catch on...there was about 70 hares.....dicks :(


Very sad to see them shot in such numbers :(

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this is the attidute thats got us where we are today , my ways better than your way , you shouldnt be doing that , what a utter load of bollox . there has allways been hare drives and lads have still found hares to course season after season . its all fieldsports . united we stand devided we have fallen .why cant folk keep their big noses out of what other folk are doing . i dont want to go shooting but i dont want to argue my way is better than someone elses. ffs . my point being if you dont want to do something then dont , but dont try and stop someone else . happy new year big liseners .


But you should still voice your opinion.I dont say my way is better than shooting.I say in my opinion its a better and fairer choice to let a dog course a hare or hunt a fox .Better than the now legal comedy of shooting both.Hunting game with a dog is the oldest sport in the world.Youre not reliant on any weapon only on the strength fitness and gameness of a good dog,and for the sport and supreme athlete that is the hare.

Why did the hare evolve.to get away from his pursuer. A long run with loads of turns, not a short sprint then get its brains or stomach blown out.

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This afternoon drove by field locally.Shooters out in field.guess what theyre shooting? HARES.

Yes I know it goes on and that its legal and that they shoot thousands of hares legally a year but who agrees with it?

I for one do not.the hares got no chance.with a dog theres always the chance they get away and the kill is clean. specially with a dog with a good strong jaw.Wheres the sense in it it makes me sick. :angry:

Whats your view


i understand how you feel,its how i feel when local boys shoot 10 foxes with out getting out the truck :censored: :censored:

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localy we course the hares but on some farms freinds have been asked to cull hares they use the 22 rifle and take the lurcher for any wounded .thye are not mad keen dog men like my self but they do have thousands of acres so they do what the farmer asks ,mostly on brocccoli rape etc ,and not all ground is suitable for dogs , i got asked to do some hares march april the ground was hard ,the hares escaped out the cattle grids not great land ,so i says im not wasting the dogs for there sport as in jan feb when the going was good they could have asked but they were to busy feeding there beloved phesis ,shooting to me espec hares on the spotlight is pescontrol nothing else ,not sport or fun same with the 22 on rabbs done it not much fun just ameans to an end ,last resort for me getting brother inlaw with 22 ,mind you some places are unsuitable for dogs and rabbits seem to pick them all the best, i,have heard some aqaintances bost we shot 20 odd hares last night ,feching heroes ,plus they have lurchers ,who are hardly walked or out , life goes on

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