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Fell Over Like A Sack Of Spuds


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That is most unfortunate, spa to the person with the beautifully placed man snare ;), hope your rifle is o.k mate, tip of the day stay away from anyone with a cough because if u catch it its pure pain every time you cough.

Get better soon mate and get that tree rat.

.atb. .ste.

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Feck me Jasper,just cos I did it the other night there's no need to follow suit mate!!! Feckin' hurts mind don't it?




p.s. did you have one of these as well?


fer fecks sake have you two considered wearing a crash helmet shootin! that looks bad surprised it never sparked you out haha sorry got to laugh its the law.

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poor old Jasper it hurts like a bitch don't it fella?? heres a handy tip for you bottle cut a bike inner tube to the size of your buddy bottle and stretch it over it it'll be rubber armoured then fella lol and be warmer on them frosty mornings aswell as looking tidy

Stoaty :thumbs:


Nice one stoaty mate! the inner tube idea is a cracker, I'll be doing it asap :thumbs:. I have been out of it until about 30 mins ago, propped up on the settee Hammered with pain killers! sore as hell now so I think its about time the wife put the kettle on and got me a cup of tea, she'll have to carry me to bed and tuck me in afterwards too :whistling:.


atb Jasp



Sorry to hear about your trip mate :icon_eek:


As for your bottle, you could try painting it but you will still see the chip. I would remove the bottle and get it powder coated. Most powder coaters will do a bit cash work on the side and it will probably cost you no more than a tenner.

Get well soon




Kyle thats another good idea mate :thumbs:. by the sounds of it I'll have to make sure all the air from the Bottle is completly empty before I remove it, I'll have to do somthing though mate as I hate to see the gun looking like this.


cheers Jasp



Hi, jasper. LOOK WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!!! :laugh:


I don't know much about PCPs but I do know a thing or two about compressed gasses.


If it's just picked up a few light scratch's, don't worry, it'll be fine (as said). :thumbs:


Hope you're up and well soon...




Do you know mate I knew snares was set in the area but squirrel fever got the better of me :D, when the keper checks his snare tomorrow he'll be wondering WTF he caught before it escaped :laugh:


atb Jasp

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poor old Jasper it hurts like a bitch don't it fella?? heres a handy tip for you bottle cut a bike inner tube to the size of your buddy bottle and stretch it over it it'll be rubber armoured then fella lol and be warmer on them frosty mornings aswell as looking tidy

Stoaty :thumbs:


Nice one stoaty mate! the inner tube idea is a cracker, I'll be doing it asap :thumbs:. I have been out of it until about 30 mins ago, propped up on the settee Hammered with pain killers! sore as hell now so I think its about time the wife put the kettle on and got me a cup of tea, she'll have to carry me to bed and tuck me in afterwards too :whistling:.


atb Jasp



Sorry to hear about your trip mate :icon_eek:


As for your bottle, you could try painting it but you will still see the chip. I would remove the bottle and get it powder coated. Most powder coaters will do a bit cash work on the side and it will probably cost you no more than a tenner.

Get well soon




Kyle thats another good idea mate :thumbs:. by the sounds of it I'll have to make sure all the air from the Bottle is completly empty before I remove it, I'll have to do somthing though mate as I hate to see the gun looking like this.


cheers Jasp



Hi, jasper. LOOK WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!!! :laugh:


I don't know much about PCPs but I do know a thing or two about compressed gasses.


If it's just picked up a few light scratch's, don't worry, it'll be fine (as said). :thumbs:


Hope you're up and well soon...




Do you know mate I knew snares was set in the area but squirrel fever got the better of me :D, when the keper checks his snare tomorrow he'll be wondering WTF he caught before it escaped :laugh:


atb Jasp


At least you didn't have to chew your foot off!!! :laugh:

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unlucky jasp buddy, try not to move too much mate and lie there plotting your revenge on the little fecker... i'll get back to you in the morn, missed ya earlier cos i was grafting, soz buddy

jack pyke stealth tape'd give your bottle a bit of a cushion mate, hope your barrels not knackered

all the best, wurz


Nice one Wurz! I thought you would be busy mate, If not I'll bell you again in the evening shortly :thumbs:. seen some of that Jack Pyke stealth tape and it looks the business! the only problem I have is the forend of the stock sits pretty tight againt the bottom of the bottle! you could probably slide a cigerette paper through it, the only other option is to take a small amount of wood from the inside.


Speak Soon Jasp



hope you dont get a cough or sneeze mate rib injurys are a bitch and theres nothing you can do!i got drunk as a lord in thailand at the begining of the year and fell down stairs about 12 foot landed on my arse and broke my coxycs it still hurts now and if it dont get better i am going to have to go to the docs, people have said it takes over a year to mend. bit like ribs nothing you can do cant put your arse in a sling or your ribs.atb :gunsmilie:


Must admit Fry I am a bit of a La La mate when I'm injured :whistling:. you're right though pal it hurts like hell, I can't lay at all and need propping up! I did my ribs in a few years back and remember it going on for weeks, I can see me suffering through to christmas if not longer.


atb Jasp

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Feck me Jasper,just cos I did it the other night there's no need to follow suit mate!!! Feckin' hurts mind don't it?





:clapper::clapper: Looks painful Martin. Don't tell me you caught a squirrel and headbutted it to death :laugh: what gets me is I know there is snares along the tracks yet I blanked out everything when the squirrel was on the move, one minute I was on the move and the next I was decked out on the floor! my Muckboot came off and was still wrapped in the snare while I ate dirt. I laugh now but it could have been nasty if a sharp stump or rock was sticking up where I was downed.


Hope you're head gets better soon anyway mate


atb Jasp



That is most unfortunate, spa to the person with the beautifully placed man snare ;), hope your rifle is o.k mate, tip of the day stay away from anyone with a cough because if u catch it its pure pain every time you cough.

Get better soon mate and get that tree rat.

.atb. .ste.


:clapper::clapper: Yes mate top marks to the under keeper for his Snare placement :D, it was well banged in as it certainly didn't up root when I hit it, It strung me up good and proper and took my boot with it.


think the squirrels have had the last laugh this time! but as they say "He who laughs last laughs the loudest" so payback is on the cards mate :drinks:


atb Jasp

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:D yes squirrel's can be tricky :feck: a mate of mine shot one a couple 'a' years ago, with a shotgun

it dropped and he let his spaniel go get it :no: the fockin squizzer still had life in it and latched onto the dogs face under it's eye :cry: the fockin dog was runnin about yelpin :laugh: and my mate [ not thinkin] ran over and tried to get the squirrel off the dog :feck: bad idea :blink: it let go of the dog and got hold of his hand :feck::feck: he managed to get it off and stamped it to death :feck::feck:

he ended up in casualty getting stitches and a big needle stuck in his arse :feck: and the dog needed stitches at the vets :feck::feck::feck:

the guy still get's the piss ripped outta him to this day :D;)

Edited by BBB
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sorry for shouting only just noticed my fault


Nice one BJ! cheers for the info mate :thumbs:. Yep he got away this time, I'll be more carefull in future and look at the ground more often, Can't see me running about anymore after squirrels :laugh:





Oh dear Jasp :icon_eek:


You'll be pinning a lead and red medal on the little fecker soon enough :boogie:

Just behind it ear :D


Here you are buddy just for you Sir!






:laugh::laugh: thats one clever squirrel mate! I can imagine a few celebrations like that in the local Dreys. been up all bloody night with this! can't beleive how painful it is even after dosing myself up with Painkillers, no doubt about it laying down makes it worst.


Its funny as the only thing I really worry about is my gun! It would do my head in if I damaged it. I think I was also pretty lucky when I went down I didn't break the stock, its pretty flimsy around the thumb hole.


atb Jasp

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:D yes squirrel's can be tricky :feck: a mate of mine shot one a couple 'a' years ago, with a shotgun

it dropped and he let his spaniel go get it :no: the fockin squizzer still had life in it and latched onto the dogs face under it's eye :cry: the fockin dog was runnin about yelpin :laugh: and my mate [ not thinkin] ran over and tried to get the squirrel off the dog :feck: bad idea :blink: it let go of the dog and got hold of his hand :feck::feck: he managed to get it off and stamped it to death :feck::feck:

he ended up in casualty getting stitches and a big needle stuck in his arse :feck: and the dog needed stitches at the vets :feck::feck::feck:

the guy still get's the piss ripped outta him to this day :D;)


:lol::laugh: fookin hell BBB I just nearly crippled myself again laughing! what a classic. just goes to show how the most silly of things can happen when out hunting, Must admit though mate I had one of them needles in the arse cheek before! it nearly put me though the ceiling.


think if I had seen it happen I wouldn't have been able to help and probably would need some oxygen through laughing so much :D.


atb Jasp

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:D yes squirrel's can be tricky :feck: a mate of mine shot one a couple 'a' years ago, with a shotgun

it dropped and he let his spaniel go get it :no: the fockin squizzer still had life in it and latched onto the dogs face under it's eye :cry: the fockin dog was runnin about yelpin :laugh: and my mate [ not thinkin] ran over and tried to get the squirrel off the dog :feck: bad idea :blink: it let go of the dog and got hold of his hand :feck::feck: he managed to get it off and stamped it to death :feck::feck:

he ended up in casualty getting stitches and a big needle stuck in his arse :feck: and the dog needed stitches at the vets :feck::feck::feck:

the guy still get's the piss ripped outta him to this day :D;)


See that's two fundamental errors.


Firstly, NEVER underestimate a squirrel, they're tough little buggers. Secondly, when you do something monumentally stupid, the LAST thing you should do is tell anyone about it! ;)


As for that picture, well, no wonder you fell over with that gurt stupid white mask on, bet you can't see a thing!

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hi jasper


sorry to here that buddy :cry:


hope your ok and the rifle


to me looks like its just a chip as Davy said a nice camo cover would sort you out pal :thumbs:


i no what its like when you scratch your rifle i hated it when i scratched my BSA ultra but i dropped that due to lighting up a fag :doh: but the scratch wasn't that bad you couldn't even see it really i just knew it was there so i no how your feeling buddy :D


hope you get well soon bud


best wishes



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Nice one lads cheers :thumbs:


sore is a understatment, it was made even worst having to fight the wife off all night in bed :whistling:.


gave the gun another check over a while back and couldn't beleive it was too painful to pull the bolt back! thankfully the wife has been trainned for all situations so she did it for me ;)


atb Jasp

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