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most intelligent sighthound?


107 members have voted

  1. 1. most intelligent sighthound

    • greyhound
    • saluki
    • whippet
    • deerhound
    • other

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Depends on what exactly you mean by 'intelligent'- the ability to follow commands? The desire to follow commands? The ability to work independantly? The ability to solve problems by itself? The drive to work at all?


Many sighthounds are not especially biddable- they were developed to be independant workers. As opposed to herding breeds which were developed to work on instruction and hang on every command. It doesn't mean they aren't intelligent as such. And of course drive is important. A dog without drive is useless.

spot on :thumbs: , thats why i think you need collie in the mix of any lurcher.Its (want's) to please the owner, you dont get it from many sight hounds. Even bullxs, which are clever no prob but like sight hounds are (stubborn) feckers. My bullx pup 18 weeks old is very stubborn , at the same age Bryn my 1x collie grey was alot easier to train. :thumbs: Prob say whippets are the most clever, when they (want) to be. :yes:

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I used to say whippets, but now believe greyhounds have superior intelligence. Greyhounds actually are easy to train, they learn fast and once they cope onto something, it's with them for life. But fe

Many sight hounds run on line following every turn ,where as the saluki will be thinking how to cut its prey off and box same as the deerhound. training for obediance shows inteligence in any dog,using their brain to run is down to the dog.The more they run the better they get at predicting the twists and turns.

Edited by night moocher
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Guest michael.hudson7

Read in a plummer book 'the complete lurcher' its deerhound I've owned a deerhound x and she was more bright than this saluki x I have now got a whippet grey with a dash of saluki her mother is really intelligent.

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I used to say whippets, but now believe greyhounds have superior intelligence. Greyhounds actually are easy to train, they learn fast and once they cope onto something, it's with them for life. But few people bother to find this out for themselves.

spot on mate couldnt say it better myself!!!! :victory:

aup [bANNED TEXT] im blazeing weed and that fly jst freekked me out shit :tongue2::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

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over the last 40 years i have had, a fair few lurchers, but i have also owned and ran on all quarry the following pure bred sighthounds, 4 whippets 2 greyhounds 1 borzoi 1 deerhound 1 ibizan hound ive also seen a lot of pure sighthounds run at coursing club meetings, and seen other friends pure sight hounds run, aswell as seeing them at home in day to day life. at the moment (and over the last two years,) i have owned two pure salukis, and in my humble opinion, contrary to what a lot of people would think, it is salukis who are the cleverest by far, (for me anyway) in the way they work, and they way they are in general day to day life. but i think with pures you have to get them from pups and bring them up yourself, i dont think they take to well to being swapped about, so its no good guessing, whats the most inteligent, unless you have owned them from pups and had a few different types you will never really know the answer. theres no shortcut. just my opinion, plummer god rest his sole could write a good "STORY" but ime not sure that he has "actually owned" many pure sighthounds :bye:

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deerhounds :thumbs:

i also agree with the deerhound ive always worked the first cross from my home town of durham to were i live now in the fens and they have done [bANNED TEXT] i want of them but like any breed theres good and bad clever and thick fast and slow depends whot ur needs are happy hunting to all

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