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whats the odd's of getting a shot gun licence if you keep ya nose clean for ten years ?

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If youve done a 2and half stretch or more you can never hold a firearm , you are not even allowed fireworks in your possession , thats genuine .

He was jailed as a civilian not a convict , check the internet he didnt commit a criminal offence , thats why it was county court that jailed him , not magistraytes or crown and. Hull , doncaster loads i no u have to wear prison issue ,

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Fair play to them, but at least they are not tarnishing the name of legitimate firearm users. People who don't deserve guns should not have them.

End of.


The last thing this sport needs is another mad gunman with legally held guns and by not giving certificates to people who think that after 10 years there firearms offence can be swept under the carpet, is the first step.



I agree, but I was just saying. If someone like Raoul Moat wants a gun to run around like a nut case then I doubt it'll take them that long to find one if they've got the cash.

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to trooper man and reavo thanks for the possitive reaplys i havent done anything to seriouse just had a couple of hicups in my life and i thought if i wait another 5years and keep my nose clean with abit of luck i would like to get a shotgun !

isnt it 5 years with no trouble and u got a good chance

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i got a good friend done time (3yrs) when he was released signed a declaration not to have any firearms, ammunition, replica,in is possessionsfor the rest of his life.

he tried many times for his S G C and refused .he got pi--ed off after the last one witch said if any more applications be made will be dealt in the same way.

he joined BASC and whent for it again , came back again refused , rang BASC and they told him why they refused him .gave him a soliciter number (ill go stait to point). took them to court and won :toast::feck: had is s g c and fac in post at end of week. cost £800 all in .SO WHAT IM SAYING IS GO FOR IT . take them all the way .



best of luck :thumbs:

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