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border terriers

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I want to get a border terrier in the summer but thought i should get some info on the breed before i do,

i want one for ferreting, ratting and shooting are they a suitable breed for this, i don't want an earthdog so is it safe to assume i don't want one from earthdog parents, and what age is it sensible to enter them to this type of quarry and should i be getting a adult dog or pup since its my first terrier.

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I want to get a border terrier in the summer but thought i should get some info on the breed before i do,

i want one for ferreting, ratting and shooting are they a suitable breed for this, i don't want an earthdog so is it safe to assume i don't want one from earthdog parents, and what age is it sensible to enter them to this type of quarry and should i be getting a adult dog or pup since its my first terrier.


any reason you want a border? they are plenty of terriers that will do what you want like beddlingtons, airedales etc, you've got to get a well bred one, mind.

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ferreting and ratting no probs they are well suited to this type of work however they do take longer to bring on than most terriers ie 18-24 months in some cases,they will take rats at 10-12 mths old but not all will so patience is the key with these dogs.now as for shooting what are you looking for a little dog to find quarry you have shot in cover or are you looking at one to retrieve if so why dont you look at a small lurcher type one with whippet in it this will rat, rabbit take rabbits also retrieve good luck.

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I like Borders there great dogs ,any terrier worthy of the name should be taking rats before a year old,bushing rabbits should come naturaly but using a terrier for retrieving isnt to my tastes and seems a bit gimmicky to me JMHO.

Its a crying shame your not intrested in working a terrier to ground as this realy is its reason for existance and the reluctance of lads willing to work Borders to ground will be the final nail in the coffin for this once very popular digging dog.

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Borders make good little ratting dogs but then i'm byas. one of my borders will mark rabbit warrens when out ferreting. like what's been said I would'nt use one for retreiving to gun. If you end up with a Border be patient.

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I want to get a border terrier in the summer but thought i should get some info on the breed before i do,

i want one for ferreting, ratting and shooting are they a suitable breed for this, i don't want an earthdog so is it safe to assume i don't want one from earthdog parents, and what age is it sensible to enter them to this type of quarry and should i be getting a adult dog or pup since its my first terrier.


i keep russels myself but was out on the weekend ratting,

had 2 boarders out with use for the 1st

both showed plenty of promise

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Sorry Ginge but it don't make sense to me to have a terrier that you don't want to do earth work with and it don't do the Border as a breed any good either.I've seen loads of Borders work and mine are ok for what i do but to be fair to any breed of dog, why not get one that the does the job/jobs you want them to naturally.


I'm sure you will get a Border and have it doing everything you want but if its a proper Border or any terrier for that matter it won't be afraid of the dark matey ;)

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Already got a whippetxcolliexgrey but its to old now to train to work with air rifles and shot guns, plus i am lamping with him more so i was looking for a little border to take his place when ferreting when he is resting from a nights lamping or lame, the dog won't work cover either and i don't wan't another lurcher because i prefer to have that one dog one man relationship when lamping at night with my lurcher.


I was thinking of getting a terrier for earthwork but i just don't have the land and the fox population round my way, when i get a car and have enough money for a bellman and flint locator then i will get a terrier solely for earthwork.

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