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Muslims Are They Always On The Take?

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shepp its getting that way around here now. there creeping in from hounslow and slough


I plan move out further in a couple of years mate, probably be a few more joining me on the white flight.

Like everywhere they take over, just drags the area down.

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well the coalition is saying that social housing should only be availible to people up to a certain earnings level,but wether they act on it remains to be seen.

Trouble is they still pay higher levels of housing benefit to those living in rented accomadation so unless more council properties are built i cant see an improvement.

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Well all I can say is if you scratch the surface there is a lot more going on than most people realise.


My ex girlfriend was looking for a room to rent in London and most of the rooms she looked at were council places, the tenant was always foreign, more often than not muslim.

They usually did'nt live in the property but were sub letting the rooms and pocketing the cash.


Social housing is meant for people who can not afford to buy or privately rent a place and is certainly not to be used as a cash cow for an immigrant.


Refering to the person in my opening post, I would bet a grand that he would not bare close scrutiny if anybody had the balls to investigate him.

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