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Low Velocity .22 Rimfire Rounds

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where are you using them? on a caged fox?

what is you interest in the lower power? noise or terminal velocity?


I have shot foxes with both CB long and standard winchester subsonics both at around 20 - 40 feet.


CB Long did not penetrate the skull at 20 feet but still killed it instantly. dropped like a standard head shot, never moved again.

I assume i died from from a massive brain heamorrage internally and the concussion. I looked for an exit wound and it was only when I examined the entry wound that I realised. bit too slow in my opinion unless for cage dispatch use.


Win Subs work very well, in and out with bullet recovered from less than one inch into the soil backdrop, so I assume from this that it had lost almost all of its energy before exit. (photo below)

The bullet mushroomed well with some tweaking! I use a size 6 shotgun pellet in the hollow point void. adds weight so bringing down the velocity and acts as a ballistic tip spreading the bullet.





I use a PES overbarrel moderator which is very good and reduces the report when fired outside to the firing pin, bit of a light clap and bullet strike.

I test fired both indoors and the difference in report is marginal. I doubt you could tell the difference unless you were right next to the firing point.


I would like to try some RWS subs as they are a bit slower that Win Subs which can stray a bit close and sometimes over the sub velocity limit.


Depends on what you are looking for.

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Thanks for that everyone for the comments.


As you all may be aware, my main business interest is cage trapping and dispatching foxes in urban areas.


I was just looking into alternatives other than the Eley Sub Sonic Hollow points that I am currently using.


No problems with the Eley's, but I am always looking for a safer round, less power, but still effective enough to be humane and provide a quick kill.

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For dispatching cage caught foxes at zero range, an air rifle should do the job admirably. The shorts and CB/BB should be perfect for the job too, and slower/quieter than the standard subs. Of course they'll probably be a little bit more expensive, and is there an appreciable increase in safety?

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sorry but WTF!?


an air rifle? unless it is an FAC air rifle and even then, the pellets dont carry anything like the energy required to dispatch a fox.

anything other than a head shot is IMO not a humane choice for dispacthing a caged animal.


the foxes skull is very think by comparison to other mammalian skulls. I have a PCP air rifle verging on FAC rating and it struggled the get all the way through a turnip at 10 feet.


not a good option IMO.


stick with your subs (CB or otherwise)

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Another vote for CCI CB longs, 29gr 710fps, approx 30ft/lb. i use them on rooks and sqizzers, sometimes rabbits in the barns or round the woodpile.

As for using air rifles for dispatch, apparently it works well, i know of a couple of people that use them and they've not had a problem.

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