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Here is my beddy x whippet, she's a super wee bitch, i wanted a pup out her so much i was advised to mate her to a whippet to get 3/4 breds, this i did and im keeping two pups out the litter and cant wait till next year to get them out :D


mated her to this whippet who is 100% day and night



Here's 3 of the pups :)



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Mine's 50/50, 22" and does OK on the lamp.




He's quick off the mark, can turn on a sixpence and doesn't give up until he's either caught the rabbit or it escapes the field. My one wish for him would be more top end speed. He's still fast enough to catch rabbits on the lamp, but I reckon he'd catch more with more sighthound in him.


He's just over two years old and started marking last weekend while out ferreting. :thumbs:

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totall rubbish the very best first cross beddy whipps are gotten from none ped whipps its about the quality of sire and dam using racing champ whipps and good beddy lines likes of such has the rillington granitor or gutchcommon having owned both types sooty sam lines lynperry whipps from norwich back ta working beddys in my oppinion come a poor second ta the racing lines from the bwra back ta same beddys this his not based on one off dogs this his based on owning these dogs myself and fellow hunters one might say the none ped whipp carrys greyhound its a lot better breed to introduc e when the breed needs pepping up than a show bred dog with nearly the same dimensions has a smalll sprint grey which by the way has the conformation of a snail and just about the same acceleration having oned five sooty sam bred whipps and also 2 from lynperry and also crossbred dogs from these animals the so called working whippet of today that has become so popular over the last ten yrs his if ya lucky more of astaying type dog awhippet his a bloody sprinter toughness hardiness coat nose can be gotten from the beddy has long has the correct type used we have a bitch here 7yrs old from lynperry out of the stud dog of theres often advertised i suppose now the beddy whipp his now back in the fold we could knock a litter out quidds in no chance the bitch does not posess the main quality needed ta snapp bolting rabs acceleration quickness sharpness call it what ya like this dog his devoid of these qualities plus it also suffers with the blue mutant dermatitis skin disorder my advice to any one going for a beddy whipp first cross choose wisely there his good quality none registerd whipps bein used in the northern regions of this country now may i say we all like something pleasing to the eye and yes with a good bit sales pitch like should we say laguna moonlake nimrodel banatay much prefer bilko good as gold gold run wish e was fanchie or more recently bigland boy sugar fire son of a bitchill say again put to the right beddys if thats what ya after the feet will be sound and the coat will be waterproof not open like one sees on so many beddy crosses plus quick sharp annd in most cases a decent turn of speed

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what they like first crosses on lamp mainly can give me the good and bad advice would be helpfull i work all kinds of ground from rough to golf courses just wanting to know what they r like as lamp dogs


I have a beddy whippet bitch 5 months old, until a week ago she was the most ignorant and timid pup i've ever seen but now its as if something inside her has just clicked. The only thing is she only stands at 16 inches and im only expecting another 2, if I were to buy another i'd get a beddy grey.

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what they like first crosses on lamp mainly can give me the good and bad advice would be helpfull i work all kinds of ground from rough to golf courses just wanting to know what they r like as lamp dogs


I have a beddy whippet bitch 5 months old, until a week ago she was the most ignorant and timid pup i've ever seen but now its as if something inside her has just clicked. The only thing is she only stands at 16 inches and im only expecting another 2, if I were to buy another i'd get a beddy grey.

mine was only 16 inches at that age and is nearly 21 now

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i bred a beddy bitch non worker to a champion racer dog and have had no trouble with the bitch i kept which is now four and a half years old the other three pups are just the same they will run anything , granted the bitches are tend to struggle a little on faster stuff but they get there in end ( please bare in mind that they are only 18" but the dog of the litter is 20" and he takes it in his stride. Never have i seen such a game temprament in such a breed of dog they are like bull crosses when hunting together and they never give up day or night, tuff as old boots you might say !!! i am putting my bitch into pup this week and putting a working whippet on her ( sooty sam lines) and if the pups have the same qualities of the parents ( i know the dog to ) they will be a1 on anything and i wouldnt ever breed to any thing other than maybe a beddy/greyhound first cross.


If your after a dog to do rabbitts day or night or maybe even a bit of the other stuff you wont go far wrong with this breed of dog. excellent feet , take knocks well , and will try their utmost for you and you ant ask much more than that..



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what they like first crosses on lamp mainly can give me the good and bad advice would be helpfull i work all kinds of ground from rough to golf courses just wanting to know what they r like as lamp dogs


I have a beddy whippet bitch 5 months old, until a week ago she was the most ignorant and timid pup i've ever seen but now its as if something inside her has just clicked. The only thing is she only stands at 16 inches and im only expecting another 2, if I were to buy another i'd get a beddy grey.

mine was only 16 inches at that age and is nearly 21 now

mine was 15 at 5 months and he is almst 21 at 9 months old. :thumbs:

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i bred a beddy bitch non worker to a champion racer dog and have had no trouble with the bitch i kept which is now four and a half years old the other three pups are just the same they will run anything , granted the bitches are tend to struggle a little on faster stuff but they get there in end ( please bare in mind that they are only 18" but the dog of the litter is 20" and he takes it in his stride. Never have i seen such a game temprament in such a breed of dog they are like bull crosses when hunting together and they never give up day or night, tuff as old boots you might say !!! i am putting my bitch into pup this week and putting a working whippet on her ( sooty sam lines) and if the pups have the same qualities of the parents ( i know the dog to ) they will be a1 on anything and i wouldnt ever breed to any thing other than maybe a beddy/greyhound first cross.


If your after a dog to do rabbitts day or night or maybe even a bit of the other stuff you wont go far wrong with this breed of dog. excellent feet , take knocks well , and will try their utmost for you and you ant ask much more than that..

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he,ll get there man still just a pup whats he like for pace :thumbs:

he is quick enough for rabbits, he keeps up with my mates 8month old greyhound sauki. think i need to take him owt to watch another dog on the lamp. :thumbs:

Staminas a lot better in stuff out of ped working whippet i have found.

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