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getting ferrets

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hi all,


as the title goes. the other half has granted me permission to get my first ferrets! delighted i have been very interested in them from a very young age and the parents would never allow me to get them but the missus has now said yes get them if you want so at last i am going to be a ferret owner! :boogie::boogie::boogie: !


so as a result i am now on the look out for all the required kit.

i have nothing at the moment and am probably going to build a hutch for a few ferrets to begin with as my current garden is not the biggest/best for a full court! any one got any pics of there hutches i could get ideas from??

i am also looking for any of the rest of the stuff i need bowls/feeders/colars/locators etc. any ideas web sights and spare stuff and advice that you guys may have around that could help me get started.

i am in the highlands of scotland!


many thanks and kind regards P

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Bowls and bottles you can pick up anywhere online or in pet shops, supermarkets etc.

Nets well there are people on here that make them, but ebay sell some cheap ones that are good to start.

Ebay also for locators, bags etc.

To start off with I had a cheap opinel knife and it worked very well just google opinel and you can get them online if not then go to the game shows/county shows etc and they will sell them there.


Hope this helps,



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I dont bother with bowls, they only get tipped over anyway and theyre only any good if your feeding kibble. Drinker bottles can be bought from pet shop, scatts or wherever for about £3 each. Locaters and collers, cages, purse nets and most things can be found on ebay. I got my cage out of the local dump for £20. Its 6 foot by 3 by 3. If i were going to build a cage it would be 6 foot by 4 by 3 and have a second floor with a hole for them to pull themselves up and drop down through and a hinged lid for ease of cleaning.

Edited by DogMagic
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As above really, keep an eye out in the local rag classifieds for hutches theres always loads for sale round here. If your ok at DIY and wood work making your carry boxes is much cheaper than buying them. You'll probably want a spade aswell foldable surplus ones are ok for shallow sets but a full size spade is the way for the deep stuff. Ive got a mk11 locator and two collars that I can sell you, if your intersted drop me a PM.


Cheers Owain

Edited by carlisleredneck
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If your getting ferrets, I would defo get 2. They do better in pairs, its great to watch them

play and race about lol.

For housing, get something as big as the space you've got, with a run aswell :)

Feeding, large bottles are best, and big ceramic dog dish's are best for food cos they cant tip em.

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If your getting ferrets, I would defo get 2. They do better in pairs, its great to watch them

play and race about lol.

For housing, get something as big as the space you've got, with a run aswell :)

Feeding, large bottles are best, and big ceramic dog dish's are best for food cos they cant tip em.


As above mate they reckon you cant keep ferrets on there own, Due to there social behaviour. Iv neva tried keeping a ferret on there own. It always handy having two or three and its no more hassle keeping two or three than it would be keeping one.

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thanks very much for your replys guys very help full!


1st job will be to build living quarters. once i have done that i will be getting the rest of there esential kit (food bedding etc)

after that i am going to try find some ferret owners in my area to help guide/teach me. then i am going to get my own! might be best to wait now untill after the winter and get next years lot??? what do yous think?


regards peeps

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your going about it the right way, Id suggest waiting till next year, and picking yourself up a couple of 8 week old jills, as if you get some of this years more grown ones, and get bitten, it'll put you off handling them, then you'll loose interest, so with youngsters, you'll handle them everyday, get you used to them, and them to you, little un's still nip, but it dont hurt like an adult bite


that'll also give you plenty of time to get/build hutch, and read up as much info :thumbs:

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