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ticks andfleas

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Use frontline sparingly,, will last for ages and is well worth it


IF YOUR FERRET DOES GET A TICK !! ,, be carefull with the advice you will get on here. Use frontline or buy and AUTOM (couple of quid from the petshop) DO NOT attempt any of the feking voodoo that some on here would have you try,,,this includes vasaline grease fags and every thing else up to and including an grenade..


Any further advice needed just ask..


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Frontline spray ,i sometime just treat single ticks with a cotton bud and Frontline,o Tool tick pullers are the best way to remove them,but not always easy on a ferret.I also spray the sleeping boxes with frontline in the summer to control fleas,this year was really bad for mine for some reason,they are all kept clean with paper beds but i did have a lot of fleas,clean bedding every couple of days for a few times along with frontlining the box and treating the ferrets soon had them under control.

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