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Doe Stalking

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Thats very reasonable - all the best with it. Those harkila sacks are good arn't they :thumbs: shoulder straps maybe a little thick when you have a rifle slung on as well but worth it when you've got a fatty on your back... did you get both of them in there?

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I can vouch for this gentleman as ive recently done two stalks on his ground and shot deer on both occasions and have just recieved my level 2 cert today, he made it a good experiance, up untill i traveled up to his place i was the same as most people and believed it was all a money making scheme but this man does everything with a smile on his face and charges the bare minimum to cover costs, im looking forward to going again to pay for a couple of stalks with him under differant cercumstances as your never able to interact properly while doing level 2 stalks, so will be good to sample his hospitality without the pressure and would recomend to anyone looking for a change of sceanery and some time with a real professional, so thanks again mate and hopefully see you soon.......eddie

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Thanks Apollo and well done on passing the DSC 2 not to bad is it if your well prepared. You are welcome back any time as is you mate nice chaps house trained an all. Local yes i got them in there easy when all is undone. For me its a must if local people see you dragging deer they will be up in arms if they just here there are deer getting culled they dont seem to bother.

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