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i decided to introduce the pup to the air rifle today because as an all round mooching dog i will expect her to accompany me on my shooting forays and retrieve any game shot whether it be fur or feather.


i particularly wanted her to retrieve a small corvid as i find that out of all the game a dog has to retrieve the corvid family is the least palatable to a dog maybe its the dusty feathers ??? it was a very windy start to the morning and there wasnt a lot about except for the numerouse rabbits that bounded straight for home as we crunched through the fallen leaves in the wood, just as i thought that us and the rabbits were the only creatures around a squirrel shot accross a clearing infront of us, the pup seen it immediately and was off after it at full tilt striking just as the squig made it to the trunk of a tree where it whent straight into its drey so no shot. we seen 3 others in the trees over the next 30 minutes but all quickly dissapeared into their dreys deneying me a clear shot.


just as i was about to head for home a jackdaw decided to play ball and landed in a tree about 30 yards away giving me a nice clear shot. as it fell it hit a few branches which alerted the pup to what was happening, she sat obediently and watched as it hit the floor before i gave her the signal to fetch, she was off in a straight line to the bird and retieved it in good fashion to my feet.


it was a nice to be out with the gun for an hour just me and the pup and i managed to achieve my aim by getting the pup to see some game shot and retrieve some feather.


THE PICK UP ...............




















GROWING NICELY ...........






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she has certainly grown, and looks very obediant, also make sure the crow is dead before sending her as crows will peck at a dog and it could put her off retreiving them in the future.


it was very dead mate :D:D:D ........


You have that pup looking well mate is it a collie cross? Very obedient..


she is a first cross collie grey .........

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Good going Socks. It's great to see a lurcher being introduced to all sides of the sport.


As you know, crows are a bugger for the retrieve. Meg was the only one of mine who would even touch them!






Pup seems to be coming on great guns mate ;)

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