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You could have done a search on here about them, the little gobshite who runs the place is full of shit, reckons he's an ex bizzy blah blah blah, full of shit.   He was after selling a load of my ge

Hi All, new to this forum game so bear with me :-) I have been dealing with the above establishement forthe past 5 weeks,i ordered a rotary machine and have yet to recieve it.... Has anyone had deali

Now then Shooterman, I placed an order earlier this year and it never came from Decoying.co.uk. I ended up speaking to BASC regarding their crap service, I was trying to buy some FUD Duck decoys and

Now then Shooterman, I placed an order earlier this year and it never came from Decoying.co.uk.

I ended up speaking to BASC regarding their crap service, I was trying to buy some FUD Duck decoys and refused to speak to me in the end. Decoying.co.uk told BASC that it was due to a container not turning up !! Not my problem when they have my money!It was only this action which enabled me to get my money back.

Best of luck getting your money back, try pigeondcoying.co.uk in Ireland they were very good.

I recommend that you go to BASC as Decoying.co.uk are a registered trade member !!!!!!!!


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still waiting for my refund after 4 months of waiting, been phoneing them for weeks and when i get through they say i;ll have it in 3 working days. 4 times they tolled me that and still not recived anything :censored: so beware do not order anything from tham :thumbdown:

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im new to all of this so you,ll have to bear with me on this aswell .

i had the same problem with these people, as i sent a caller back for repair , they said it would take about 2 to 3 weeks to repair it. after 4 month,s of many phone call,s and letter,s they did send it back in a worse

condition MINUS THE CHIP WITH CALLS ON .when i phoned and told them this i had nothing but abuse from the company director ( MARK DEACON : )and put phone down on me . SO MUCH FOR THEIR WEB SITE SAYING









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the problem with this shop is the 2 owners are more interested with there stalking than there business, leaving the shop in incable hands,,,,

the good new's for me was the mistake they made with me was in my favour to tune of a few hundred ££££££'s, but it could of easily been the other way like some of you,,,,,, if you run a business it has to come 1st and it doesnt with these two,,, i dont go anymore even though they are local

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Hi lads i had the same problem with them,I orderd fud decoys and they said it would take two weeks i never had them.

Also i wanted a rotary pigeon magnet they said it would take 3 working days.

After phoning them about 20 times and threatening them with,Trading standards they sent it 3 months later,

They offered me some vouchers to spend in the store,I told them to stick it up there hoop.

I will never never never buy anything off them theaving b*****ds again.


They will keep on telling you that you will get your stuff in so many days they are fuc£1ng LIARS


WARNING TO ALL DONT BUY ANYTHING OFF DECOYING UK. :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:

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Thanks all for the replies. I'll keep badgering them for refund etc. The only way to to stop these cheats and cowboys is for passing the word to fellow shooters too stay CLEAR of this shop. Hopefully i'll get a letter printed within the shooting mags also..


So a stark warning to ALL, stay wel away from DECOYING.co.uk...


Happy shooting!!

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You could have done a search on here about them, the little gobshite who runs the place is full of shit, reckons he's an ex bizzy blah blah blah, full of shit.


He was after selling a load of my gear at their stall at the Midland 2 years ago, he ordered around a grands worth off me, luckily I didn't make anything because I got the feeling he was trying to rip me, and he was ............ he kept trying to get me to drop the gear off or post it saying he'd send the money, never ever did, complete wanker and full of shit. Think his name was John?


Nice RR Sport parked outside though .........


Can't believe it when I read stuff like this, if someone had robbed me I'd spend double driving down there and getting it back, or goods to a few times the value!


It's no good moaning on here fellas, when you're standing in his shop with your pants down about to poo on his counter then I reckon he'll soon find your money!!!!

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Hi all, sent David from BASC an e-mail and he stated they are no longer a registered trader with BASC, so i guess some good news there. Got a parcel the other day but still some of the order is missing. And the excuse, yep you guessed it awaiting delivery but will be here Friday so you will have it Monday. And gues what yep not turned up. The only way to deal with these a***h***S (other than knee capping) is to provide other shooters the correct info so they don't use DECOYING.co.uk and hit them in the pocket so they go under. By the time i get all the goods i'll have paid for it in double with the phone calls to them. One way or another i'll get my goods!!!!

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