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Useful Catalogue (everthing you'll ever need)


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Hi all


Came across this Henry Krank catalogue. I was seaching for cheap Hawke scope prices. He has a vast range of products.




And this link is for the newbies (collie). Short video reviews, but very useful tips on stalking rabbits. :yes:



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His shop in Lowtown, Pudsey near Leeds is quite truly an amazing place to visit. He deals in absolutely everything there is in shooting; including vintage military rifles (Mauser K98. Enfield SMLE .303, M1 Garrand etc.) and even 16th/17th/18th century Snaphaunce, Wheel-lock and flintlock powder firearms, swords, polearms and armour!


His air rifle and pistol, scope and ammo stock is vast. Basically, if you need/want/must have it, he'll have it! :thumbs:



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His shop in Lowtown, Pudsey near Leeds is quite truly an amazing place to visit. He deals in absolutely everything there is in shooting; including vintage military rifles (Mauser K98. Enfield SMLE .303, M1 Garrand etc.) and even 16th/17th/18th century Snaphaunce, Wheel-lock and flintlock powder firearms, swords, polearms and armour!


His air rifle and pistol, scope and ammo stock is vast. Basically, if you need/want/must have it, he'll have it! :thumbs:




Hi Simon


I can't believe the list of stuff he sells. I just wish his store was bit more local to me, would'nt mine taking a look around.






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Hi Alan.

You wouldn't believe the area this place is in. Take the A621 and the ring road out of Leeds city centre for Pudsey. Go 6-8 miles and you eventually come to an out-of-the-way, quiet suburb of Leeds with old stone millworkers cottages. Looks like some place out of the 1840s.


And there is Henry's shop, up one of the side streets.


Inside it's just a shooter's heaven. :blink::blink:


One long rack of every current quality airgun the length of the shop wall. One huge long glass counter full of scopes, binos, reloading equipment, antique flintlock pistols in box cases. knives, toolkits, accesories. Behind that, racks and racks of ammo and God knows what else. At the far end wall are racks of antique swords and next to it is a glass cabinet full of valuable arms and armour. 16th and 17th century wheel lock pistols and muskets. 18th Century Flintlock muskets.


And thats just half the shop!


The other half is shotguns, full-bore sporting rifles, black powder muskets, antique muzzle and breech loaders, military bolt action rifles..and all the gunbags, cases cabinets and every conceivable accessory.


It really is a bit surreal going into this shop because there is so much on display. You really have to see it to believe it. :blink:





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