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like your parents

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how many here would say they are similar to their parents? Sometimes get told im like my old man because i moan alot....i know bein raised by em will have an affect...hence me aged 19 liking bob dylan lol


How many said they never wanna be like their parents n kept to it? Not the only reason but how my dad acts when drunk put me off drinking...also think he dont do well with money even though its his hell put his needs first before the house hold. Not putting mine down i mean he stood by my mum when she cheatd i suspect so not to be a weekend dad to my little sister and is there if i ever need him but i just dont wanna end up like him.

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lol no worries mate no ones family is perfect...just wondering if everyone says they dont wanna be like their parents n ends up more aless the same. Something happend tonight n i just stepped back and looked at my dad n thought id never wanna be like him. Sure others have alot worse n he aint all bad but things he does i just think what a waste

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how many here would say they are similar to their parents? Sometimes get told im like my old man because i moan alot....i know bein raised by em will have an affect...hence me aged 19 liking bob dylan lol


How many said they never wanna be like their parents n kept to it? Not the only reason but how my dad acts when drunk put me off drinking...also think he dont do well with money even though its his hell put his needs first before the house hold. Not putting mine down i mean he stood by my mum when she cheatd i suspect so not to be a weekend dad to my little sister and is there if i ever need him but i just dont wanna end up like him.

If your mums got a history of cheating , you might get lucky , he might not be your dad . :thumbs:

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Both mine have been perfect role models in my upbringing, We (mum dad and 2 brothers) survived the miners strike in 84, Which was a very tough year but we pulled through, Although we had to get rid of the family dog, Looking back now my childhood couldn't have been any better

My mum has lost both her parents and I can't begin to imagine what that must be like

If I can be half as good a parent as they have been I'll be more than happy


So in answer to the question, Yes I would want to be like my parents


They still wonder where I get my hunting passion from though because they are not remotely interested in it

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My fathers the most influential male in my life .. he is the one who has always held me together when lifes been hard


His love is unconditional ... i simply adore him he is my lovely dad xx

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how many here would say they are similar to their parents? Sometimes get told im like my old man because i moan alot....i know bein raised by em will have an affect...hence me aged 19 liking bob dylan lol


How many said they never wanna be like their parents n kept to it? Not the only reason but how my dad acts when drunk put me off drinking...also think he dont do well with money even though its his hell put his needs first before the house hold. Not putting mine down i mean he stood by my mum when she cheatd i suspect so not to be a weekend dad to my little sister and is there if i ever need him but i just dont wanna end up like him.

If your mums got a history of cheating , you might get lucky , he might not be your dad . :thumbs:


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I know when i was a sprat, my dads habit of haggling over price when he was buying stuff used to have me mortified with embarrassment. He'd always do it with a joke, a smile and a shovel load of Irish charm, and it always worked.


I do the same meself, now. And my daughter wanders off, mortified.

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