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its a difficult one, as you are experiencing every saluki is different, every owner has different requirements and expectations, and every one you ask a question will give you a different opinion, theres no hard and fast rules,

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as ritchie correctly said the first thing you must do is bond with the two of them, salukis, will not do anything for you without having a very strong close bond, and this its self is the first thing you need to achieve, this may take some time, its not anything you can rush

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they were cheap because it was through a friend of a friend i have a copy of the dams and sires papers to prove there breeding as i have been told today saluki bitches are alot more difficult to train than dogs whether this is true or not i dont rele knw a few people have told me patience is the key to the problem wich is something i need alot of.As my lurchers were very easy to train>I got the 2 salukis as a challenge for my self i neva thought it would be easy with 2 pups to bring on but nether the less i am trying.i never knew wat a salukis temperment is own wat mind they have until they got past the 6 month stage but thank you for your advice very much appreciated



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  On 18/11/2010 at 16:33, cocker said:

its a difficult one, as you are experiencing every saluki is different, every owner has different requirements and expectations, and every one you ask a question will give you a different opinion, theres no hard and fast rules,


exactly :thumbs: what I found is if you lose thier trust theyre finnished, i had few pures and sal x with same problems, youve got to get her on her own for a start, generally start to bond with her, this may mean walking for hours and hours cos some wont even acknowledge your there until they tire a bit, my good bitch was scatty but more responsive once settled (tired) and she would only come to within 10ft of me before standing still until I walked to her, this went on for about a year, as she matured she 'got used to me' once she realised when she listened to me she had fun chasing she changed for the better, took years though, when she were 4 she would lamp rabbits with no slip returning when light was turned off whereas she would clear a field at 12 mths on first run, and wouldnt come back listen to all these on here everyones got there angle, i tried tit bits of food, loadsa lead walking, heavy over the top petting, but generally if you are calm, and patient in the long run they will be better than any lamping lurcher cos they can run all night with few injuries. they have a different make up and thier bodies are more flexible and supple. I agree though if it were me I would sell one, and keep one, its not as if you can breed from them, so you'll end up with one good one or two scatty loons, they are worse as a pair especially when young, they will be more intrested in each other than listening to you mate. I just done same thing I know with two dog pups, gone now couldnt get them to do anything they didnt want to,come back yes, jump in boot yes, but only whilst coursing, if walking I had absolutley no control over them off lead especially on unfamiliar ground. and yes I did give up.after 2 years. had probably 10 sals or salx only 3 lasted my patience, but those three were best dogs I ever owned.


Ps. never ever hit or beat them, if you want to reprimand them hold them tight to floor at shoulder/neck with force. therefore showing your dominance but not inflicting a bad memory.

cos a saluki never forgets, its not that they are thick, they are very intelligent, too intelligent they think too much, thats why i think alot of people say they produce more jackers, they are not jacking they saving their energy for the next one thats easier.lol.

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  On 18/11/2010 at 21:33, big chief1 said:
  On 18/11/2010 at 16:33, cocker said:

its a difficult one, as you are experiencing every saluki is different, every owner has different requirements and expectations, and every one you ask a question will give you a different opinion, theres no hard and fast rules,


exactly :thumbs: what I found is if you lose thier trust theyre finnished, i had few pures and sal x with same problems, youve got to get her on her own for a start, generally start to bond with her, this may mean walking for hours and hours cos some wont even acknowledge your there until they tire a bit, my good bitch was scatty but more responsive once settled (tired) and she would only come to within 10ft of me before standing still until I walked to her, this went on for about a year, as she matured she 'got used to me' once she realised when she listened to me she had fun chasing she changed for the better, took years though, when she were 4 she would lamp rabbits with no slip returning when light was turned off whereas she would clear a field at 12 mths on first run, and wouldnt come back listen to all these on here everyones got there angle, i tried tit bits of food, loadsa lead walking, heavy over the top petting, but generally if you are calm, and patient in the long run they will be better than any lamping lurcher cos they can run all night with few injuries. they have a different make up and thier bodies are more flexible and supple. I agree though if it were me I would sell one, and keep one, its not as if you can breed from them, so you'll end up with one good one or two scatty loons, they are worse as a pair especially when young, they will be more intrested in each other than listening to you mate. I just done same thing I know with two dog pups, gone now couldnt get them to do anything they didnt want to,come back yes, jump in boot yes, but only whilst coursing, if walking I had absolutley no control over them off lead especially on unfamiliar ground. and yes I did give up.after 2 years. had probably 10 sals or salx only 3 lasted my patience, but those three were best dogs I ever owned.


Ps. never ever hit or beat them, if you want to reprimand them hold them tight to floor at shoulder/neck with force. therefore showing your dominance but not inflicting a bad memory.

cos a saluki never forgets, its not that they are thick, they are very intelligent, too intelligent they think too much, thats why i think alot of people say they produce more jackers, they are not jacking they saving their energy for the next one thats easier.lol.

gav thats one of the best responces on here ever mate :thumbs: you know your sals

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Ok guys!

Well Im'e a complete novice, and just got a pure Sal dog!

Ime not using the tit bit way of training, just praise and patients.

I have grown a few more grey hairs since he moved in with us, but I recon its gonna be worth it!


So many people put Sals down a lot, and yeh! Iv'e had a few setbacks already with the pup, but by all accounts a Sal dont mature till about 3years.


Iv'e accepted that as the point to where he should be a good working dog!


Aladdin is so timmid, and runs from a Harris Hawk as soon as it opens his beak, but with a lot of patients I recon he will come on in his own time.

Why rush things.



Recall can be a bit of a moment though I must admit, but if he dont come after a couple of calls, I turn around and walk away, the majority of the time he just follows me.

Ok! Not always, but never chase after him as he thinks, Ah, playtime!


Took him up on the Bwlch mountain this morning, he decided to get nosey with a few ewes up there, but that was all.

Curiose thats all.


Called and walked away and he trundled back.

This socialising thing might have something to it as well mind!

Aladdin ain't had much to do with other dogs as such, so when on a lead, he cowers a bit when approached by another dog, but off the lead, he is a lot better.

Not perfect by all means, but getting there!


Iv'e read a load on here from different people, and although a few posts and replies to peoples questions are shite and just putting the auther down, the majority are top trump answers.

Thare are a lot of guys and gals on here that seam to know there stuff with dogs. Take all the aanswers in and sift out what you feel is suitible to you!


Ive learned loads through these guys I can say!

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cheers guys im very thankfull for your comments and opinions ive heard some ways of training the saluki and ritely so im going to obide by them now you gusy have made my day ive never hit these pups as i know how skittery they are and as you say they never forget


thanks alot very much appreciated

cheers Tony

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i have a saluki bitch just gone 1 year and it wont come right to me unless im crouched down to its height. but its great on the recall it was brought up with a 3 1/2 year old, very loyal and obedient lurcher which i think has helped it alot. still got along way to go yet though.

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