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WEBLEY MOSQUITO .22 PELLETS.I would like to know if anyone knows why these pellets are so dear.Are they that good or just overpriced.I have been advised to try them in my air arms s200 but they are very expensive.Anyone know where it is possible to get small selections of different pellets in order to try them before comitting to buying tins and they end up no good.Thanks.

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Hi dogvixen.

The price of scrap lead went up a few years back and pellet manufacturer's prices shot up accordingly. Then the market price of lead came back down but the prices of pellets are being kept high. There will no doubt be a 101 stated reasons why this is so, but, a severe recession in the economy and the need to keep profits up and people in their jobs will be one of them. :big_boss:


There used to be PelPax that offered mixed assortments of pellet brands but, I haven't seen those around in a while.


Try Uttings.com. They did sample packs but, in the light of how the cost of lead went up, perhaps they don't or cannot anymore.



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Your paying for the name.


Mozzies used to be very good years and years ago :yes:


I use Mozzies in my HW40PCA in .177 and they are pretty good in that. But I have spoken to people who have the newer versions of the mozzies and they are less than ideal!


However, the guy's that almost ran Webley (a prestigious British company) into the ground by thinking that they could sell substandard goods under the name of a High Standard and Very Well Respected name have been sacked :boogie:


I don't know how long it will take for dealers to get shut of old stock, but Webley are deffinately on the way up back to where they belong. :notworthy:



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honestly they wont be a waste of money, they were the best pellet i found for your gun

if your only shooting out to say 30-35 yrds aa fields will be fine the same as most other pellets, pellet on pellet at 30yrds,but mozzies were more accurate past that with a much flatter trajectory

they are re-badged jsb express but you cant get them in the uk under that name, think you can in ireland though

well worth the money if you fancy a few extra yards and your gun likes them

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