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double selvedge

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im not sure if "double selvedge" is the correct term for what i mean, but see when you buy sheet netting, and your end meshes are "double"


you with me??


well, i have been toying with the idea of trying it myself, after being told by a few people that "double selvedge" can only be done by machine, i proved that theory wrong by doing it myself.


I took an old purse net and took the draw cords out of it. I hooked the ring up and tied the other ring to my chest of drawers :laugh: so the net was stretched out.


Using an 8" needle, i tied onto the ring and very simply worked my way down the end meshes. it is as simple as it sound's....


Now after seeing pictures of chalkwarrens nets (made by NETRIGGER) with the different coloured end meshes, this is what i was trying to achieve, but i never did that, anyway after a message from netrigger briefly explaining (a man cant be expected to be fully detailed in words), it came out not too bad for my first attempt :D


double stranded double selvedge

Edited by Rabbithunter
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its always nice to learn something new ;)


i believe the double selvedge makes it stronger....


and perhaps you made a mistake maybes made a net 12 wide, and you want it 14, its better to add on either side to make it up, then to scrap your net and waste twine.....


plus it makes it look presantable :laugh:

Edited by Rabbithunter
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all decent gill nets have selvedge but for rabbs quikest and easiest for me , some of youse guys have more time tham sense but i mind the time i had to ,good to see the keen young lads makeing nets etc any youse dragged afeild for partridges or phesis yet great fun and clean kills

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excuse me for being dense but whats the point in doing that,does it make it stronger or something. :hmm:

The reason for a double selvedge / thicker twined selvedge is simple......... the end meshes take a lot of friction of the running cords,,, hope this info is of help....... REGARDS......

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