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Second time on the does.

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Well After my success last time and getting my first fallow i booked to return to the estate again. Anyway i got a text from Ian yesterday saying it was forecasting heavy fog did i want to call it off. Anyway I'm one of those people who always thinks 'what if' and because of this i couldn't bring myself to cancel the outing. Anyway i woke up this morning to find an extremely heavy frost (took over 10 mins to defrost car) but no sign of fog at home at least.


Anyway I went on my way and got to the estate where there was a light mist but by no means too much and Ian was relieved and so we set out in the landy to a bit of the estate I hadn't been to before. The sun was just starting to light the sky as we left the car and the air was still extremely cold in my lungs. There were good signs with plenty of fresh slots in the soft earth but after an hour of stalking and finding nothing we decided to try another part of the estate. Anyway as we were driving to another part of the estate we spotted a roe with 2 young uns out in the field but as I was interested in trying for a fallow buck we went for a quick look at this other area but this was to no avail. So, we drove back to where we had seen the doe and they had moved on :doh: but luckily only into the next field but they were walking back to the wood so off we set. The roe were about 600 yards or so from us as we started the stalk, hugging the tree line of the woods that the deer had been about 400 yards from. So as we got into a place where we could see the position where we had seen the deer they were no where to be seen :( We didn't think they could have moved into the woods so fast. So we continued a little further around the wood line and as we were about to round a corner there was the white rump patch of two roe not 20 yards away. We both froze, I slowly eased the rifle from my back and the sticks were placed out and I edged around the corner ever so slowly as more and more of the doe came in to view and then gradually all 3 were in full view. As i raised the rifle to my shoulder Ian whispered to be only to take the old doe and to leave the wee ones as they were very well on and almost fully grown and would last the winter. So I raised the cross hairs up into the chest and squeezed the trigger dropping the doe on the spot and the two fawns ran about 50 yards and stopped, not sure what to do. We had time to judge once more and make sure that the were fine to be left and yes so they were.


Anyway it was time for gralloch number two and this one went far smoother. I bled it successfully with the cut, and the removing of green and red pluck went swimmingly as well so its all starting to come together. I have even managed to find a butcher to deal with it for me whilst i sort out my equipment (which i aim to have done by the next time i stalk. It was a great day out and thats 2 does for two stalks this season so not going too bad. Sorry no picks i forgot the camera this time along with my binos :doh:



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Welldone on your stalk fella but i believe you were given the wrong advice by your host on taking the adult doe. If she was a strong animal with two strong followers she and them should of been left alone but that's just my opinion.

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Opinions will differ from stalker to stalker depending on the aim of the cull and the experience of the man.Where numbers are a problem ,such as around us in the South ,the doe is taken first when numbers are needed, with a good chance of bagging all kids .Obviously the doe isnt shot until the kids are well up .Where deer are not just a pest then it is considered propper to take the weakest kid ,followed by the other kid if there is one and it stands . Each to their own as long as the welfare is foremost id say .The newcomer is ,however usually advised best practice which is kids first .

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Well done mate and its nice to get what your after but i must say its early for any one to decide a fawn will survive through the winter. For me its kids first till the new year then i will take what i want even way down south a fawn would still be at a disadvantage if mother was shot at this time .They are instrumental in leading the young on to nutritional ground when the hard weather really hits if the Mother is shot they will stay were they are even if better feeding is else were.

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