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Swazi Gear

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OMG this gear is not only bomb proof but when you do have a problem these guys do their upmost to sort it :notworthy:


Today I burnt my favoriet top on a smoker :wallbash: big poxy hole in the side mutch to the amusment of my hunting companions :wankerzo4:


So i get home and e-mail Swazi to say exactly what happened and i bought it from a bush craft outlet in the UK this was the reply


Good morning Mat


Thank you for your email


Please send your garment to us for repair along with $10.00 for postage and we will repair this for you.


Kind regards



Louise Makutu

Swazi Apparel Limited

PO Box 567,

94 Oxford Street


New Zealand

Ph +64 6 3684822 Fax +64 6 3679246

email service@swazi.co.nz mailto:service@swazi.co.nz

www.swazi.co.nz <http://www.swazi.co.nz>


I met Davie Huges at the Game fair and he was sutch a top bloke if you can get support like this here in the uk please PM me in the mean time BUY SWAZI its the NUTS :notworthy:

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Would agree WB, Swazi gear is damn good stuff, I bought a gillett about 8 years ago and hardly have it off, great gear!

If I was gonna pick a fault, it's only its price BUT I see it as an investment of sorts, so i'm gonna buy more. :thumbs:

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Top gear been abusing it for a few years now can't fault it.The only problem being the lack of outlets selling it in the UK.When buying direct from Swazi you get stung on the import duty through customs.So be aware when they return your top!The best gear that I have ever worn.

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