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Just got my forms through to apply for this im asking to get a 17 HMR and 22-250, Thing is ive got Some of my own permission but i mostly go on keepered estates would the keepers permission be enough as i know it says land owners cheers for any help any advice is welcome



Anyone who has AUTHORITY to give you permission!

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Anyone who has AUTHORITY to give you permission!



However a Keeper may not have authority and in some cases the landowner may not have authority. The owner of the "shooting rights" which is normally the landowner (but not always) would need to give you written permission, which you would need to submit with your FAC application.



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So would the keeper be ok then you generally ask keepers for permission thanks for your response


As you are going to need to register your firearm on the land, I would say that the Gamekeeper isn't sufficient and that the landowner or holder of the shooting rights would need to issue you with permission. Is the Gamekeeper in full time employment by the holder of the shooting rights? Is he a part time DIY keeper? Being a keeper does not entitled him to issue shooting permission.

Only you know his standing, and relationship with the landowner. If it was a request to simply "shoot some rabbits" then written permission from the keeper may well protect you, however as this is a first time FAC application, I suspect that the police would need something more formal from the landowner/hold of shooting rights.

If I wanted to stalk an area of land, just having the keepers say so would not be sufficient.



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Ok thank you for the info i will try get the landowner to sign it although i have some other good permission may just put that down.

My honest advise is to put down an area of land that only you shoot over (or if necessary only a couple of people). The very last place you need on your ticket is syndicate land, your ticket will run for five years and a lot can happen in the five years. If the syndicate pulls out, or ban firearm use or get banned or the land gets sold or........ You will have the potential to lose your ticket. Don't think it will never happen, all you need is one fool to cock it up on the land and things start to go down hill very quickly, result? You've had your chips!


John (speaking from experience)

Edited by HUnter_zero
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Cheers for the info was also wondering when specifying which calibres you intend to use on what land do you have to say as to which gun you want to use on exactly which field as one of the farms I have permission he has land dotted all over the place or do you just put both calibres and they decide if certain areas are suitable for the calibres or not if you get what i mean cheers

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Cheers for the info was also wondering when specifying which calibres you intend to use on what land do you have to say as to which gun you want to use on exactly which field as one of the farms I have permission he has land dotted all over the place or do you just put both calibres and they decide if certain areas are suitable for the calibres or not if you get what i mean cheers



'land' has to be deemed suitable for the class of firearm you wish to use. One field will not be suited to centre fire rifle use. It's all about back stops.



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