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if they knew what they died for?

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do you think our grandfathers greatgrandfathers and all the men and women that have volunteered to fight for this country and died or suffered injury through war or just serving our country would have done it if they knew what a terrible bunch US brits have become yes that is us me included look at us the way the country is and what its become and how we just let others take the piss while making the decent hard working good people have a harsher life or whatever would they really of gone into battle gleefully knowing what we have done with there sacrifice. anyone want jump on my back for this im all for it as i have started to see a tide of anger towards these piss takers that are bleeding us dry hide behind our laws and our values while condemning them and would gladly take off our heads with a blunt knife or worse so i say let them carry on as we are starting to get our backs up so let them do there worst as we may be the most tolerant generous race on earth but have we still got a backbone like we used to have when push comes to shove

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I agree with a lot of what you said. But also given how a lot of people on here think, it might be worth bearing in mind that past generations went to war both to keep a 'british' way of life etc but also to stop the world becoming a place ruled by violence, where governments and leaders use force to bully people who are different than them or think differently. I think most of them would have found all sides of our present conflicts fairly depressing.

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dont think our grandfathers would be happy with us all drivng german cars and watching japanese television sets either!




To be honest mate i don't think that was the point. Those guys didn't go to war because they hated japs of germans, they went to war (at least in their own minds) to defend a set of ideals and and to preserve the world they knew. Part of those ideals was not judging and opressing folk because of their country of origin or religion or skin color.

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Course they would have. :yes: They fought for their lives and the lives of their partners, brothers, sisters, parents. Don't forget the battles weren't all fought in places only seen on the news, bombs were raining on their homes and killing their loved ones.

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They wouldn't know the place today, greed, backstabbing to get ahead, people thinking they are better than one another,

back then they knew their neighbours, shared whatever they had, helped one another, Today people are only concerned with how they can get ahead in life,

rather than helping others along the way...


Maybe in the hard times to come, (recession) people will begin to see the error of their ways..


They had to protect loved ones, as i'd like to think we all would if the time arose where facists where looking to overthrow our way of life......



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They wouldn't know the place today, greed, backstabbing to get ahead, people thinking they are better than one another,

back then they knew their neighbours, shared whatever they had, helped one another, Today people are only concerned with how they can get ahead in life,

rather than helping others along the way...


Maybe in the hard times to come, (recession) people will begin to see the error of their ways..


They had to protect loved ones, as i'd like to think we all would if the time arose where facists where looking to overthrow our way of life......





I know where you coming from mate but 60 years ago the world wasn't a worthers original advert. Sure there was better social cohesion in some areas but there was plenty of greed, back stabbing, people thinking they were better than others etc Not everyone shared and cared etc.

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Like a lot thats still living they would be horrified to see wats happend to this country [bANNED TEXT] they see those preaching hate and disrespect for our way of life treat a damm sight better than those who were prepaired to sacrifice their lives for this ONCE great country.Its a sad indication [bANNED TEXT] some of the pensioners i speak to are glad their at the age their at as they more than anybody can see wat this country has become and carnt see it getting any better.

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some good replies guys i just wanted to put it up as some of my past generations from britain/england and my great grandfather from poland fought in ww2 he came over and flew in the RAF so just wanted to see a few opinions as i know they fought first and foremost for their family but they also had a sense of duty sort of unselfishness that todays people aint got now im 29 but i have a lot of time for the older generation its just where did it go wrong ?

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