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quick look out with staffs riff raff to get the bluehound going!!!

Guest stewie

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been out tonight with the bluehound to start him going on the lamp proper as he has been doing well in the day with the other dogs but on his own at night he just seems to be chasing the rabbits but not actually going for them so we thought we would double him up with my bitch and feck me what a difference!!!! i never double up dogs on rabbits and always start them on there own but we got him at 12 months so already its against us as he had been basically kenneled all his life so the last few months have been basic training and fitness.

so i picked him and raff up and tried a few fields but seen feck all. drive to the next location and first field get a run, slip them both and they get in each others way :icon_redface: :icon_redface: but on the way back to us a rabbit gets up which my bitch nailed and he was not far behind and got a good mouthful :laugh: get to the next place and seen another so slipped them both and he is a different dog, totally committed to catching the rabbit and my bitch nailed it again and brought it back alive so we let it go for him on his own and he soon killed it while we praised him loads!! i had a quick shine around the field and as luck would have it there was a squatter right in the middle so after letting them get there breath back we slipped them again and the blue dog was so close to getting it 1st but again the bitch picked it up but he wanted it so bad!!!! it has done him the world of good and will go to bed with some catches in his head and some rabbit in his belly so hopefully its clicked now!!!! but if not a few more nights like this and he/we will be laughing he is very keen just a bit dopey but on the road to making a half decent dog, so just see how we get on!!!!!

so we only ended up with three rabbits that two dogs have stretched and are only good for the dogs to eat BUT they could be the three most important rabbits in the bluedogs life to get him on the road to catching and hopefully its a good start!!! alot of you might wonder why we bother even trying with a greyhound out of a rescue centre but the answer is simple... we like him!! we got our lurchers and terriers to so why not give him ago better than being PTS like he would of been at 9 months if no one took him in :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


when i look at this picture i really cant believe my bitch is as fast as what she is!!! she looks just like a staffy with a small head :laugh: :laugh: she can f*****g fly when she wants tho and is like shit off a shovel off the mark buts thats another story!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

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he certainly started running them instead of chasing as when that rabbit hit the hedge he nearly knocked it over lol. she is very fast for her size can turn very well as well. i think he should make it as he still young and aloof but he keen ad knows what the end of the lamp is for thumbs.gif

defo getting there mate step by step!!!! he made me laugh when he hit the hedge lol good to see him trying hard and getting stuck in :thumbs:

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Well done alfie! Should be alot better next time, he has nothing stopping him now, hopefully many good nights ahead. Queen looks like she's on steroids in that pick lol.

like me then lol

yeah he is doing well its good to see him coming on after all the time and effort we have put into him never mind your diesel bill lol!!!!


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there is only one good thing about having work dropped to three nights a week you can get out more with the dogs. he got his first rabbit lamping last night he will run alot better for them now he actully busting his gut to get them not just chasing them not bad runner now he younger than we thought he only 16 mnths stewie found the rescue site he was on in march he was 9 1/2 mnths so he should turn out to be a decent working dog get him bit more experiance then see if he wants anything else

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