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Are there any guidelines for how much walking a pup can do?


My pup can go out next week after jabs. He will be 11 weeks.


He currently goes out on the lead for about 10 mins in a morning, walking around garden etc. Then gets about 4 20 minute sessions a day where he just charges round the house biting everything and fetching his toys etc.


I don't wanna take him for half hour walks if it's gonna knacker his legs and development.





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I am no expert but I would say that your pup is already getting enough exercise. Most work on the 5 minutes x age in months for an exercise guide , so a 3 month pup would need 15 minutes twice a day. Mental exercise is just as good if not better for tiring them out. I am in exactly the same position with my 11 week old Vizsla.

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Are there any guidelines for how much walking a pup can do?


My pup can go out next week after jabs. He will be 11 weeks.


He currently goes out on the lead for about 10 mins in a morning, walking around garden etc. Then gets about 4 20 minute sessions a day where he just charges round the house biting everything and fetching his toys etc.


I don't wanna take him for half hour walks if it's gonna knacker his legs and development.






The most important thing you can do for your pup once he's jabbed is socialisation, number 1, forget bout exercise, at that age he'll exercise himself, running round playing with things,

Get him out with people , traffic, other animals, travel him in the car, break him to cats, walk him through town , people will make a fuss of him, its all part of his development

Because by the time he's 16/17 weeks, the fear factor kicks in, thats when a pup starts looking at the world through fear tinted glasses, effectively he evolves a consciousness where he understands he could be prey for something bigger ,it will effect how he looks at the world, its how wild canines have developed a mind set so they dont end up as dinner for something else,

So get him out and show him as many different experiences as you can,

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What you are doing sounds about right. Once my pups have had their vaccinations I take them down the road on the lead the local park: about 5 minutes walk. I then have a walk round, socialising them with strange dogs, people etc. We do a bit of fun puppy training and come back again: this lasts about half an hour in total.


The rest of the pup's day is spent either sleeping or destroying whatever it can get its paws/jaws on LOL Mine also have access to the garden, well, it was a garden once upon a time, but now looks more like a scene of devestation after a hurricane! As I usually run two pups on at a time they get a lot more exercise than one pup on its own would do, as they spend so much time play fighting, digging, tearing about. I find that they play like mad for an hour then sleep for an hour, then start all over again.


I've not had a pup over exercise by doing this as they both usually go flop at the same time: its not like being encouraged to do more than they should by an older dog which doesn't need to stop for rest like a pup.


When they are about 4 months old I get them out in the field for a walk which lasts about half an hour: so they can learn about wire, obstacles, smells etc.


Hope this helps

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Thanks for replys. Helped slot.


He doesn't get the opportunity to "excersise himself" as much as I would like due to being kept in a crate. Which is where I am trying to judge how much out of crate time he needs.


Socialising has already started. I live 5 mins from a busy main road. So we regularly go a walk up there with him in my jacket to watch traffic go by etc.


Also I take him up my mums in the car to get him used to going in the boot on his own. He has met my folks 2 dobermans and jack Russell on a few occasions now.


The 5 min per month is a good guideline though.





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i take my pups out with the rest of the dogs weather its walkin, pushin stuff out or just a bit of lampin. your pup will only be able to do so much exercise a day id prefer to just take him out the once and make the most of that time with him learning his trade rather than 3 or 4 little walks a day where hes not learnin much atall. socialisation is important but not as important as getting good at what he does and fillin the freezer up. i dont believe in taking it easy with em they will only get stronger by pushing them to there limits, if there too tired theyll sleep if there up and moving get em out. its worked for me :thumbs: atb awen

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A crate should only be used at night, if you have to go out for an hour or so, or if the pup needs to rest. I wouldn't like to see a pup stuck in a crate most of the time, and from the sounds of it yours is in the crate for most of the time. I know that it's difficult if you aren't there, but IMO a pup would be better off in a warm kennel with a decent sized run so it can run about when it needs to. Plenty of toys, bones etc to keep it happy. Having to sit still for hours on end is not good for young bodies: they need to exercise when THEY feel the need. Pups which are kept lying/sitting/still in one place for much of their growing lives won't develop their bodies properly: joints and bones need weight bearing excersise to grow strong, espcially the feet and legs.

At 11 weeks old the pup will still need a lot of rest, I grant you that, but only to be able to move about for 20 minutes 4 times a day is not sufficient, in my opinion. And another thing: by the time the pup gets to 4 months old it will really need, psychologically speaking, to burn energy by doing a lot more than it is doing now.


I'm not trying to criticise your rearing, and I'm sure that you have the pups best interest in mind, but please realise that the pup will very soon need far more exercise than it is getting at the moment: have you got any plans in place for when this happens?

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Are there any guidelines for how much walking a pup can do?


My pup can go out next week after jabs. He will be 11 weeks.


He currently goes out on the lead for about 10 mins in a morning, walking around garden etc. Then gets about 4 20 minute sessions a day where he just charges round the house biting everything and fetching his toys etc.


I don't wanna take him for half hour walks if it's gonna knacker his legs and development.






The most important thing you can do for your pup once he's jabbed is socialisation, number 1, forget bout exercise, at that age he'll exercise himself, running round playing with things,

Get him out with people , traffic, other animals, travel him in the car, break him to cats, walk him through town , people will make a fuss of him, its all part of his development

Because by the time he's 16/17 weeks, the fear factor kicks in, thats when a pup starts looking at the world through fear tinted glasses, effectively he evolves a consciousness where he understands he could be prey for something bigger ,it will effect how he looks at the world, its how wild canines have developed a mind set so they dont end up as dinner for something else,

So get him out and show him as many different experiences as you can,



:doh: :doh: The pup will learn all the above with every day thing,s.Get it out young and bond with it.At that age a littel bit of peace and quite With you fussing over it will work wounder,s.atb. Catcher.:thumbs:

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Thanks for replys.


Skycat - I see what your saying. I've been increasing time out of crate from day 1.


My ultimate aim is to have the pup sleeping and feeding in the crate with the door open to come and go as he sees fit.


He has already started behaving better in the house and last night he went in the crate for his tea with door open and then he spent most of the night running in and out of it playing.


Once he is past being destructive he can have the run of the house downstairs.


The crate was purely to keep him safe when we aren't there and stop him chewing everything.





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Thanks for replys.


Skycat - I see what your saying. I've been increasing time out of crate from day 1.


My ultimate aim is to have the pup sleeping and feeding in the crate with the door open to come and go as he sees fit.


He has already started behaving better in the house and last night he went in the crate for his tea with door open and then he spent most of the night running in and out of it playing.


Once he is past being destructive he can have the run of the house downstairs.


The crate was purely to keep him safe when we aren't there and stop him chewing everything.





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The chewing will really start when he's teething, from around 4 1/2 months to 6 months, then again from between 9-11 months when the roots of the teeth finish bedding into the jawbones. That's why I kennel pups when I'm not around to supervise them, and they're only allowed in the house when I can teach them what they can't chew: i.e. everything!

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