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a pic for you muslims/terrorists/scumbags who dont have respect to our country

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This weeks events have made my blood boil with the antics of them terrorist scumbags burning the poppies. some of my friends have died in the war in afghanistan!


just last year a drunk ENGLISH man urinated on the poppies wreath, yes he was drunk and it was a joke and rightly he was punished, and yet we let these dirty muslim parasites get away with it!


England is not a place called home anymore it should be called fcuking ALL ABOARD, we should have taken steps like the germans and let no fcuker in.


anyway its my little rant over and i know some of you may disagree but england needs to change and listen to its English residents!







:notworthy: Well said mate and cheers for that picture :thumbs: athose of you who havn't already,, take a look at ths thread. Its a f*****g discrace!! :censored:


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