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Totally lost it with my Patt bitch today!

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Today, I took my 9 month Patt terrier bitch out while I caught some horses to work with.


When I called her, she was in another field (mine) and just looked at me and wandered off. I called and called her and she just deliberately ignored me. I found myself climbing the hill to get her, and then decided that I was playing her game and I had asked her to come to me, not me to her and she should bloody well do what I asked. It was not rocket science.


So I thought, sod you and walked off up the road whereupon she thought she might follow me if I could lift her over the fence onto the road. I obliged and put her on a lead (she is usually fine) and then she said nope, I don't lead. I don't do anything but fight the lead and argue with you. I told her off in no uncertain terms probably making things worse and she was awful. I ended up scruffing her and carrying her down the road plus smacking her. I am not proud and saw a red mist but I was totally pissed off with her lack of co-operation and willingness.


I then discovered she was having her first season ever - does a terrier bitch change characters when they are in season? She is fairly obedient usually but today she did not want to work with me, or follow me or anything. just stuck two fingers up and said "whatever" while she wandered off. She always comes with me whenever I go anywhere and sticks around never straying but if she continues to behave so badly, I will leave her behind in future.


Any thoughts.


I still feel bad about the red mist but god, she was awful.




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by the sounds of it she indeed has become a woman, and a woman with PMT too :laugh: my totally obsessed to please me bitch (even though not a terrier) became moody, stropy and wouldn't listen when she hit her first season, just have paitents and compassion with her in this confusing time, and watch her like a hawk!!!


bitches in season should not be let off the lead, as she will go looking for a mate, be carefull!! :)


I'm sure that when her season is over you'll have your girl back to normal (until the next time ;) )

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Well slap a my thigh a Patt' that's got a mind of it's own , wonders never cease :whistle: .

Maybe you chose the wrong breed for walkies and obedience ;) .


Good manners cost nothing! Dogs and people.


She may be a Patt, and she may have a mind of her own, but she is perfectly capable of working alongside me and doing as she is told. She is anything but stupid and she knows the set-up. She is usually fine and we have very few abberrations. Today was just such a whopper so I was shocked.


Having said that, everything the rest of you have written makes total sense and I shall cut her some slack and put her on a lead. Nearest neighbours are miles away and there are no dogs about, so we are lucky.


This is my first terrier in many years (brought up with a jrtxdachshund as a child) and my last bitch was my Bernese who was so thick that when she came into season, you couldn't tell as she was too stupid to be trained to do anything anyway. Poor old girl.

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yes cut her some slack, poor little thing proberly doesn't have a clue what's happening either! all those hormones racing around can't be very nice,


it's like she wants to do as she's told but have this powerful urge inside her to be a bit naughty (just think of her as a stropy teenager with hormones raging :laugh: )


I'd still take her out though, even if just only on the lead, if you know for sure she's not gonna meet a dog along the way ;)


p.s saying all this try not to treat her any different other than keeping her on the lead as she will think something is seriously wrong and play on it (yes I have been in fault of this and my bitch totally took advantage of me, having me all to herself, pampering her every move! spoilt cow :laugh::icon_redface: )

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