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this has to stop NOW!

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Well dont be son.....dont cur out on your country....and it is YOUR country........you wouldnt turn the other cheek if i came and dossed down in your front room tonight without your permission would y

I fly the Cornish flag on my profile because it's where I live. If I lived in Nepal I would use the Nepalese flag. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your country or even county as long as you

2 wrongs dont make a right though mate,the government is imo antagonising this kind of situation and trying to get the native British people to say/think freedom of speech is wrong and then make it lo

  On 07/03/2011 at 19:53, KittleRox said:

Chowdry got fined £50 and had a big fxcken smirk on his face on the news :censored: if that was a British white man burning the Koran (spelling?) am sure he would,ve got more than a £50 fine, :thumbdown:



They asked him will he be doing the same again.....he said " i dont know yet " :blink: ....what the f**k has this country become when a scummy little c**t like that can get prosecuted for what he got prosecuted for and then have the nerve to go on telly with his full name written on the screen talking about it saying he might do it again.........with no fear of getting his f****n skull caved in !....thats the confidence these shitbags have now in another mans country !

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  On 07/03/2011 at 21:27, staffs riffraff said:

I am really beginning to hate this country I was once proud to be British but am ashamed to call myself that



Well dont be son.....dont cur out on your country....and it is YOUR country........you wouldnt turn the other cheek if i came and dossed down in your front room tonight without your permission would you,hold onto your pride and take the same stance as other proud Englishmen.

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Know what your saying gnasher but who is standing up for us that can make a difference people like bnP edl are the only ones and they ain't making a difference at all even though I support MOST of what they stand for they ain't doin a very good job it sounds stupid but that's how far our people have been dumbed down but until people like celebrities n people like that start taking a stand it's gonna get worse as the rest of the HAVE people are only bothered about themselves and there bank balance and if I could make a difference I I'd do it if it was the last thing I did

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it makes me fecking sick he got fined £50 weres the justis in that i payed his fine seen as he gets £800 in benifits a month if you live in our country live by our fecking rules of feck of back to were you come from my grandfather went to war for our country he would be turning in his grave with this.

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  On 08/03/2011 at 03:25, staffs riffraff said:

Know what your saying gnasher but who is standing up for us that can make a difference people like bnP edl are the only ones and they ain't making a difference at all even though I support MOST of what they stand for they ain't doin a very good job it sounds stupid but that's how far our people have been dumbed down but until people like celebrities n people like that start taking a stand it's gonna get worse as the rest of the HAVE people are only bothered about themselves and there bank balance and if I could make a difference I I'd do it if it was the last thing I did



Thats just the society we live in today,its become " trendy " to be accepting and all join together as one and say nothing bad about others,integration is forced down our throats daily.......it doesnt mean its right or ok.....but thats how society is being manipulated....for instance,can you imagine the uproar if a high profile person,lets say Wayne Rooney,came out and said he cant stand his neighbor because he is a smelly paki who he cant communicate with....he would be banned for life from sport and hated even more than he is now !!,yet in reality all he has done is tell the truth !..... 15/20 years ago nobody would have batted an eyelid it was acceptable to think with your own mind and voice your opinion......

All things move in cycles the day will come when society once again admires the man who tells the truth and stands up for what is right,its just not trendy to do so at the moment....at the moment our cries fall on deaf ears due to forced integration so all we can do is express ourself with our vote....which is the only thing which will create changes.....but we cant just give up or turn our back and pretend its not happening.

Edited by gnasher16
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Shami Chakrabarti of Liberty had the best idea. Instead of wasting taxpayers money prosecuting him they should have organised a group of a few hundred people to hound him and protest his actions constantly and see how he likes it.


Public humiliation is far worse than most can imagine until it's focused on them. Also I imagine there would be plenty of volunteers.

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  On 08/03/2011 at 13:25, scalesntails said:

Shami Chakrabarti of Liberty had the best idea. Instead of wasting taxpayers money prosecuting him they should have organised a group of a few hundred people to hound him and protest his actions constantly and see how he likes it.


Public humiliation is far worse than most can imagine until it's focused on them. Also I imagine there would be plenty of volunteers.



Agree it,s time to start fighting back.:victory:

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