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the post was aimed at foxhunter, im just too idle to go the long root

so , never mind all that ,are you allowed to shoot squirrels with a .243, it says on your certificate ?, for a few years i was only allowed to shoot deer with a .243 , the local plod didnt want me shooting foxes for some reason or other

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if it was a rat would there still be the fuss??????

it is a rat , a bloody tree rat, just remember all the fuss a while ago , when the papers were putting up pictures of a forum member snaring foxes, he was not doing anything illegal at all , but they still twisted everything about to make the lad look bad, then heres foxhunter putting up a picture of a squirrel gutted by a .243, any non hunting person logging on and looking at that , is going to think its very clever and be really impressed with us hunters bragging about blowing up small furry animals.

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Guest baldie

Ask yourselves this...who is this site run for? hunters and shooters? or the anti,s? They will hate us whatever pictures are put up.Its a dead squig for fucks sake, shot in the most humane way possible, if you think long enough about it, the other side will take offence at ANY picture put up on here, because they usually contain a dead animal of sorts. Appeasement doesnt work with the anti, or doesnt anyone remember the CA,s approach to the hunting ban? Get off your knees for fucks sake.

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Ask yourselves this...who is this site run for? hunters and shooters? or the anti,s? They will hate us whatever pictures are put up.Its a dead squig for fucks sake, shot in the most humane way possible, if you think long enough about it, the other side will take offence at ANY picture put up on here, because they usually contain a dead animal of sorts. Appeasement doesnt work with the anti, or doesnt anyone remember the CA,s approach to the hunting ban? Get off your knees for fucks sake.

:clapper::clapper::clapper: dose what it says on the fecking tin well said mate ....a site for hunters..i dont like barbie so i dont look on barbie sites lol :victory::victory::victory:

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Ask yourselves this...who is this site run for? hunters and shooters? or the anti,s? They will hate us whatever pictures are put up.Its a dead squig for fucks sake, shot in the most humane way possible, if you think long enough about it, the other side will take offence at ANY picture put up on here, because they usually contain a dead animal of sorts. Appeasement doesnt work with the anti, or doesnt anyone remember the CA,s approach to the hunting ban? Get off your knees for fucks sake.

NICE1 baldie

thats all you here on this site these days is dont give the antis any amunition to fire back at us all, hwo gives a f**k about the antis i dont, its the same as the post i put up the other week about relaxing the law on badggers or getting a permet to control them, it was a sensibile post with no ofending stuff in it just facts but a couple members took it the wrong way, your giveing ammo to the antis blah blah so i asked to have took off.

i think some of you need to pull your heads out of your asses and have a good look around you this a hunting site for hunting pepole there may be pictures on here that ofend non hunting folk but thats life and so what if the man has shot a squirrel with his 243 good luck to him i would of shot the f****r if ihad been there with my 22-250 just to make sure it dident get up, I DONT LIKE TO SEE ANY VERMIN, QUARRY OR GAME RUN OFF AFTER BEING SHOT SO DO THE JOB RIGHT OR DONT DO IT AT ALL

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Ask yourselves this...who is this site run for? hunters and shooters? or the anti,s? They will hate us whatever pictures are put up.Its a dead squig for fucks sake, shot in the most humane way possible, if you think long enough about it, the other side will take offence at ANY picture put up on here, because they usually contain a dead animal of sorts. Appeasement doesnt work with the anti, or doesnt anyone remember the CA,s approach to the hunting ban? Get off your knees for fucks sake.




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Ask yourselves this...who is this site run for? hunters and shooters? or the anti,s? They will hate us whatever pictures are put up.Its a dead squig for fucks sake, shot in the most humane way possible, if you think long enough about it, the other side will take offence at ANY picture put up on here, because they usually contain a dead animal of sorts. Appeasement doesnt work with the anti, or doesnt anyone remember the CA,s approach to the hunting ban? Get off your knees for fucks sake.


This should be the sticky for the site ,well versed mate .Airguns make a mess occassionally! :yes:

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Any gun/person can make a mess occassionally :yes: And i dont mean blowing something to bits...nowt up with that... unless you wanted to eat it :laugh: ...might not look nice..but...if it offends you then maybe you don't have the years in or the tally. ho ho ho :whistle: :D

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