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Its your armies that are responsible for their relations deaths, fighting for freeDom readie says,

bullshit, total bullshit, fighting for oil and other comodities has fuuk all to do with freedom.


You all know this but choose to over-look it, for every brit soldIer killed, theres a 1000 civilians die, your boys certainly give them wings.

I am not criticising your squaddies for doing as they are trained to do, THEIR POLITICAL MASTERS ARE TO BLAME.


Just to be clear, they are not fighting for my freedom, my grand-father did that against hitler, and he did that for you too, these wars are not about freedom from tyrrany, they are rescourse struggles pure and simple.


Some of you need to take your heads out of your asses and actually look at the brutality imposed on those foriegn soils by your fuuking armies, where a foriegners life isnt worth a brass nikel, on the lands THEY were born on, and all because your governments want whats beneath their feet..


Armies arefor defense, thats why they call them defense bugdets, not a private mafia for hire to america.


politicians can dress the cause anyway they choose with bold words, but they ae hollow words, ask the widows what they think, theres hundreds of thousands of them in iraq and afghanistan.


Bottom line is 99% of YOU know this, but still spout your bullshiit.

what a wanker

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November11th approaches. Servicemen and women are somewhere in the world tonight missing their families whilst you are safe at home. In the minute it takes you to read this, Military Members all over

hows the saying go? ill die for your right to say what you like, even if i dont agree with it.

Cheap petrol? Have you seen the price of it lately? If there missing a few nationals in Iraq/Afghan then no problem, plenty over here we could ship over as replacements. If Allah is so great then why

facts are stubborn things.

and they dont care about being popular.


and i dont care either about saying them.


talking shite about disrespct etc, wont silence me.

iraq and afghanistan are immoral wars, and you know this.


You keep saying 'your armies' well aren't you from the Isle of Man and as far as I know that makes you British?

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You're right, Manxman, they are but that's not the point is it??


Good folks get into bad situations. They didn't join to kill, they get told to do what they do, to be where they're told to be by those who are (as you've said) motivated by greed.


It's not about what's going on right now, it's about what's been going on throughout modern history.


It's about respect for those who defend us and our way of life, includeing your South East Asian shop girl....

Edited by andyfr1968
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im not british lad, i am manxman, theres no brit in me, but thats got fuuk all to do with afganistan and iraq.


What you think becaues the brits invaded us a 1000 years ago, we remain british do you.


I would bet if you had a DNA test you would be at least 90% British.

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You're right, Manxman, they are but that's not the point is it??


Good folks get into bad situations. They didn't join to kill, they get told to do what they do, to be where they're told to be by those who are (as you've said) motivated by greed.


It's not about what's going on right now, it's about what's been going on throughout modern history.


It's about respect for those who defend us and our way of life, includeing your South East Asian shop girl....


i was quite clear what i thought about the working class cannon fodders role.


Yes you were, it's just a shame you can't open your mind a little 'cos you're clearly not stupid, just clouded...

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im not british lad, i am manxman, theres no brit in me, but thats got fuuk all to do with afganistan and iraq.


What you think becaues the brits invaded us a 1000 years ago, we remain british do you.


I would bet if you had a DNA test you would be at least 90% British.


tell it to someone who gives a fuuk m.8.


I think you do, face it, you are as British as the rest of us.

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You're right, Manxman, they are but that's not the point is it??


Good folks get into bad situations. They didn't join to kill, they get told to do what they do, to be where they're told to be by those who are (as you've said) motivated by greed.


It's not about what's going on right now, it's about what's been going on throughout modern history.


It's about respect for those who defend us and our way of life, includeing your South East Asian shop girl....


i was quite clear what i thought about the working class cannon fodders role.


Yes you were, it's just a shame you can't open your mind a little 'cos you're clearly not stupid, just clouded...

not clouded at all, i just dont have the burden of guilt about being seen as disloyal that you have. i just say it as it CLEARLY is.


I've no burden of guilt at all, MM. For what it's worth to you, I'm from an Irish Cacholic background on my Dad's side, and very much C of E on my mum's. I understand what it's like to see both sides of an argument. I grew up with that!!


The point is that people risk their lives for us. Some of my friends do, maybe not your's....

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Manxman, I agree with you to a large degree. :thumbs:


However, the whole point of all this is to respect the folks who have given their lives to hopefully let the rest of us get on with our own lives in a way in which we chose.


The powers that be be will continue to feck things up, as they have throughout history but that doesn't mean anyone should disrespect those who are faced with the situations that may allow the rest of us to be 'free' or not... Whatever that means these days.... :blink:

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However, the whole point of all this is to respect the folks who have given their lives to hopefully let the rest of us get on with our own lives in a way in which we chose.


no thats the remembrance day threads.

this thread is about the muslims remembering theirs, and theres many many more of that catagory.

your government let them into your country, what did they expect.

i think by implication you are saying i am disrespecting people, who exactly, i buy my poppy, many fine young men from here were sacrificed in the destruction of hitler, why wouldnt i respect that.


that was the whole worlds struggle.

iraq and afghanistan have only death in common with it.


I was only responding to your first reply to this thread.....


Edit to say... Night, night... :thumbs:

Edited by andyfr1968
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im not british lad, i am manxman, theres no brit in me, but thats got fuuk all to do with afganistan and iraq.


What you think becaues the brits invaded us a 1000 years ago, we remain british do you.


I would bet if you had a DNA test you would be at least 90% British.


tell it to someone who gives a fuuk m.8.

love that reply,

now manxman,

if your little bit of shit was invaded by the french who would you and your fellow islanders excpect to help you out???

yes you got it british soilders,from proper british regiments,Now have a bit of respect maybe not to the man who has died doing his job for his country but for his family who he has left behind,Now f**k of all you are is a brit like me and most others on this forum and i for 1 is proud of it such a little island has never or will never do what this country has done.

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im not british lad, i am manxman, theres no brit in me, but thats got fuuk all to do with afganistan and iraq.


What you think becaues the brits invaded us a 1000 years ago, we remain british do you.

:laugh::laugh: feckin comical you are manxman :laugh: slagging brits again are we :blink: isle of man is just an overspill for dodgy scousers :laugh: live with it manxman your british,your kin probably swam there from albert dock :laugh:

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im not british lad, i am manxman, theres no brit in me, but thats got fuuk all to do with afganistan and iraq.


What you think becaues the brits invaded us a 1000 years ago, we remain british do you.

:laugh::laugh: feckin comical you are manxman :laugh: slagging brits again are we :blink: isle of man is just an overspill for dodgy scousers :laugh: live with it manxman your british,your kin probably swam there from albert dock :laugh:


:laugh: They evolved from turds that washed up there after floating down the Mersey.. :yes:


The Isle of Man isn't part of the UK, but it is a Crown protectorate. That means it's protected by the armed forces of the British Crown. Even if you don't agree with any of our conflicts since the Falklands, remembrance day is about remembering fallen soldiers from all conflicts, and that includes the brave souls who died in two world wars trying to protect your way of life..

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when thats what it says on my birth certificate and passport, then thats what i will be.


until then it says manx on both, and our farm goes back centuries.


typical statement from an inbreed.just keep practicing on your banjo :laugh:

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