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good size hare

Guest joely b

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That so called november hare looks to be a large leveret of around 6lb, its head is tiny and still growing,has your dog got no teeth because that is the cleanest hare i have ever seen killed or did you tell a few pork pies and crack it in the head with a gun/car, :whistling:

not just me then :thumbs:

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Really cant see the problem shooting hares , piss poor excuse ' the hare is for running' lol the hare eats 4 times as much as a rabbit and guess what.... a rabbit can run too so can a deer so can a fo

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No wonder hunting gets such a bad name with idiots like you posting stuff like this on an open forum. Shame on you. Think before you post..

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that hares f**k all, my pup caught one that size when 9 month old, well maybee a tad smaller but not much, and it was hunted up by her self and coursed in a big field, in the light. she died after a deer last friday, she was going to make some dog.

the way your going mate you might not have had it long anyway......

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that hares f**k all, my pup caught one that size when 9 month old, well maybee a tad smaller but not much, and it was hunted up by her self and coursed in a big field, in the light. she died after a deer last friday, she was going to make some dog.

the way your going mate you might not have had it long anyway......

So true Watchman, they must of been a break in the production line when god was handing the grey matter out, going of some of the threads/posts on here lately.

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that hares f**k all, my pup caught one that size when 9 month old, well maybee a tad smaller but not much, and it was hunted up by her self and coursed in a big field, in the light. she died after a deer last friday, she was going to make some dog.

the way your going mate you might not have had it long anyway......

So true Watchman, they must of been a break in the production line when god was handing the grey matter out, going of some of the threads/posts on here lately.


hows that like...well ive got 4 month to go till i pass my degree in engineering so cant be that stpid can i. nob.

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dont get me wrong thoguh well done all the same just not the biggest hare thats all



weird thread, people saying a hare that has nothing to gauge its size against is small, then posting a pic of a tiny hare next to a dog, and saying its a biggun ?


Weird lot.

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hows that like...well ive got 4 month to go till i pass my degree in engineering so cant be that stpid can i. nob.

As far as your sooooo called engineering coarse is going, :whistling: , you may well have your head screwed on, but as far as hunting and sensible hunting posts go you are as thick as shit in the highest degree.

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