Squirrel_Basher 17,100 Posted November 10, 2010 Report Share Posted November 10, 2010 Out with Martin last night down at his place on the foxes .Very windy night ,ideal for running a lurcher on rabbits but not in my experience ,very good for charlie .Martin took us to a very exposed place to start with but after a few squeaks ,we both agreed it wasnt going to happen so a move as in order to the market garden which is on a hill side flanked by woods all round and what a difference ,no wind to speak of at all .The landowner here has a large flock of laying hens so fox control is just one of the tasks Martin has undertaken .After having a good call in the most likely place we moved off to search the cabbage patches and turnd out a good move .Martin spotted a fox down in the cabbages but partly obscurred so he squeaked for while with no sign of charlie .We both knew it was stalking in to us so Martin flicked the lamp about to locate it whilst calling softly .Charlie appeared at the edge of the cabbages and no more than 15m away .I could only see the top of its head in the scope so aimed for that and number one was in the bag .Some very good calling by my host i must say as this fox wasnt going to commit to anything .Walked to the lower fields from here and called again taking it in turns .Wasnt all that long before a fox was spotted to our left but skylined .Martin worked him with the call until he came below the skyline but only just enough to shoot safetly .I was on the bipod and number two was added at roughly 90 yds .Back up to the cabbages with thoughts of making for the truck when another fox was spotted in the field above us.A squeak had him running down the field to the fence between us and i thought he couldnt get through as he paced up and down but Martin assured me it was only a barbed wire afair and easily negotiable if it wanted to .The shot eventually presented itself and fox number three was in the bag at maybe 70 yds .Some cracking calling here by Martin who understands the ways of a fox,when to belt out a call and when to give it softly softly.Cheers mate for a great night and hope your farmer was happy too .Two vics and a dog. Quote Link to post
kenny14 656 Posted November 10, 2010 Report Share Posted November 10, 2010 Good stuff, and a good read Quote Link to post
dave1372 83 Posted November 10, 2010 Report Share Posted November 10, 2010 Crackin result :gunsmilie: Quote Link to post
martin 332 Posted November 10, 2010 Report Share Posted November 10, 2010 It's always a pleasure to have you over mate,and some good shooting helped with the bag,cos all the squeeking in the world won't drop a fox!Speak soon bud...........Martin Quote Link to post
Terryorr 27 Posted November 11, 2010 Report Share Posted November 11, 2010 Good write up mate and good work, well done Quote Link to post
jamie g 17 Posted November 11, 2010 Report Share Posted November 11, 2010 good write up and shooting guys. i like it when its abit windy. i hate it when its dead still. the foxes pick up on even the most little of noise Quote Link to post
The one 8,522 Posted November 11, 2010 Report Share Posted November 11, 2010 Nice going guys Quote Link to post
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