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out on my own after foxs

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put some more bait down in a field the other day where i shot two of them foxs last week ..i sat on the bait the other night about 5.30 till 6.30 then called it a night, only out for the one hour i know but it was cold standing about on the back of the truck .so last night i got there at 6.30 and was going to stay till 7.30 and the next night was going to be a 7.30- till 8.30 and so on till i got one or seen one ..any way i set up the gear lamp rifle ect bait was about 200mtrs away ,rifle set for 200mtrs on the scope ,i was only there 20mins and was thinking of going home as the wind was cutting right in to my skin even though i was rapped up well ,i was there by myself and had to do the lamping and shooting so it was going to be one hand on the rifle and one on the lamp shooting off the bi pods of the back of the truck which helps no end ,after flicking the lamp on and flicking it on the bait then scanning the rest of the fields around me i seen a set of foxs eyes to my left so lamp off and down on the rifle then back on with the lamp fox was about 150mtrs away i was sort of on in the scope as it was still moving then its off trotting away from me i gave it a shout ,it thought about stopping but thought better of it i tracked it in the scope at one point i was going to give it a new arse hole but thought better of it ,it went out of site ,theres always another day and its best to be safe and sure of where the bullets going if you miss. so now im thinking if some body was with me doing the lamping that fox would of been dead but with me not taking the shot it may stay around longer the next time its lamped . it was ten mins later that i flick the lamp on again and cought some eyes on the bait is it the same fox !! no its a bit lighter red than the other one i seen ,it see`s the light and starts moving away from the bait but with me tracking it in the scope it gets 20mtrs away from the bait and it stops for just 2 seconds im on it pulls the trigger and sees the fox drop in its tracks then hears the thud a few seconds later which is strange as the wind was blowing in my face ,gives it ten more mins then has a look at the fox but leaves it there for the photo in the morning which i did .took its tail off for a mate will have to do a video of that to show them that dont know how to do it only takes 30 seconds to de-bone a tail ..next time .this fox was shot with my .204 39gn home load blitzking bullet



Edited by rob reynolds uk
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