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Pics of My Pup

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Smart pup all the best with itthumbs.gif, Martnmagic are you hosting your pics on photobucket? As once they are uploaded to there copy the 4th link (img code) and paste on to your post. If you can't do it email me the pics and I'll put them up for you

:thumbs: nice one mate but ive tried all that and just tried to email someone else wich didnt work so i rekon its my pc. ill get it sorted and get some up asap

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Smart pup all the best with itthumbs.gif, Martnmagic are you hosting your pics on photobucket? As once they are uploaded to there copy the 4th link (img code) and paste on to your post. If you can't do it email me the pics and I'll put them up for you

:thumbs: nice one mate but ive tried all that and just tried to email someone else wich didnt work so i rekon its my pc. ill get it sorted and get some up asap

:icon_eek: hopefully this will apear with the pics

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Smart pup all the best with itthumbs.gif, Martnmagic are you hosting your pics on photobucket? As once they are uploaded to there copy the 4th link (img code) and paste on to your post. If you can't do it email me the pics and I'll put them up for you

:thumbs: nice one mate but ive tried all that and just tried to email someone else wich didnt work so i rekon its my pc. ill get it sorted and get some up asap

:icon_eek: hopefully this will apear with the pics



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Nice bitch mate.


Can tell she is rockys sister! Lol.


They were all nice pups. Where are you located Mart and how is she doing?

there was only two bitches left when i got to see them and wish id took both to be honest mate. im in leicester. shes a smasher she sits and stays on command but the retreive is getting ther slowly. she comes out with the ferrets now and then :thumbs: all in all im more than happy with her. where abouts are you? atb mart

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I live staffs mate, 5 mins from where you collected your pup.


Mine is slowly getting retrieve too. Slowly being operative word, he seems very intelligent but very stubborn!


He sits and stays but only for a treat at the moment.


He is also an awesome jumper for his age. He jumps everything he can...



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I live staffs mate, 5 mins from where you collected your pup.


Mine is slowly getting retrieve too. Slowly being operative word, he seems very intelligent but very stubborn!


He sits and stays but only for a treat at the moment.


He is also an awesome jumper for his age. He jumps everything he can...



lol mines the same with the jumping and subberness.... and she can turn like ive never seen a dog turn when she runs i hope it stays this way, BUT ive got to teach her to not try and follow the ferrets down the burrows lol oh and shes a proper sneaky little cow when your backs turned, shel sneak off with your shoes and chew them to bits

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