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Worse than Hitler or Stalin

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Some of you may not have seen the recent PR video put out, and then hastily retracted by the 10:10 organization in which school children in the class room were depicted being blown up just for questioning the notion of "catastrophic anthropogenic global warming", (later re branded as "climate change" and again more recently as "climate disruption").

Well this fruit loop below shows the mentality of the eco-fascists who advocate a roll back of civilization to the stone age and the measures they would take to see it happen.



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Christ, that makes for some properly frightening reading. :blink:


The worrying thing about nutters like that is it's one thing for one person to have a crazy idea but it's when said crazy idea begins to gain a following. I don't think anything as far out as that would ever gain any real weight in numbers but there's always a few loons who are equally as far out in their thinking.


Mr Hitler had some pretty whacked out ideas and he had one hell of a following. :thumbdown:

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Christ, that makes for some properly frightening reading. :blink:


The worrying thing about nutters like that is it's one thing for one person to have a crazy idea but it's when said crazy idea begins to gain a following. I don't think anything as far out as that would ever gain any real weight in numbers but there's always a few loons who are equally as far out in their thinking.


Mr Hitler had some pretty whacked out ideas and he had one hell of a following. :thumbdown:

and still does

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When enviro wacko Keith Farnish published a book calling for the "dedevelopment" of America last year his effort was endorsed by James Hansen of NASA who said he was right......yes the same James Hansen who uses his position to promote alarmism over the climate by declaring each month, year, decade as the warmest ever on record....the same James Hansen who, along with a small cabal of "climate scientists" has made a lucrative career out of issuing scare stories to drum up research funding from the public purse.


Incidentally, the Chicago Climate Exchange has announced that it will cease trading in carbon this year.....the only thing it was set up to trade in. Just listen to the silence from the mainstream media, in contrast to the fanfare that accompanied it's instigation!


It seems that the extreme views expressed in the above link are only the tip of a much larger iceberg.

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it does not matter about the planet being overpopulated anyway..................time is Nealy up on mankind the clock has Nealy stop ticking....................THE END IS NIGH....

wasnt the world supposed to end in 2000 acording to nostradamus ? 2012 is just the end of the mayan calender, not the end of the world, if thats what you are refering to

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