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Force 8 Gale Over Leitrim!

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:icon_eek: F*ckin ease up, Sean! Now ye starting to scare me, mate! I thought we'd seen the worst of it? I mean; We've seen the last of the Dutch Barn, down below me! Ripped to f*ckin shreds it's been! Massive corner girders, ripped clean out of the ground! Much more of that nonsense and it could smash up the roof on my mates cow byre: And my goats and donkey live in there!


One of my trees (Sitka) has snapped and is leaning like a pissed man on his mate close by. Chain saw jobby, methinks?


Best of all, I'm just sitting here, brewing a mugga tea and considering wether to treat myself to a trip into town for a considerable dose of something a bit stronger. LOT of f*ckin trees along that Long road to town, mate :unsure:


My birthday today. I'm rather hoping to see another yet! :blink:

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  Ditch_Shitter said:
:icon_eek: F*ckin ease up, Sean! Now ye starting to scare me, mate! I thought we'd seen the worst of it? I mean; We've seen the last of the Dutch Barn, down below me! Ripped to f*ckin shreds it's been! Massive corner girders, ripped clean out of the ground! Much more of that nonsense and it could smash up the roof on my mates cow byre: And my goats and donkey live in there!


One of my trees (Sitka) has snapped and is leaning like a pissed man on his mate close by. Chain saw jobby, methinks?


Best of all, I'm just sitting here, brewing a mugga tea and considering wether to treat myself to a trip into town for a considerable dose of something a bit stronger. LOT of f*ckin trees along that Long road to town, mate :unsure:


My birthday today. I'm rather hoping to see another yet! :blink:


happy birthday mate :)

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by some old trout at 12.00 :cry: bad enough having to kiss the misses :laugh:

:clapper::clapper::clapper: I KNOW THE FEELING MATE





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