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Hi Get buddy,


Congrats on the rat shooting permission pal.


The way i would go about it is as follows:


1. Do a full and in depth day time recce of the area, look for likely hot spots and make yourself aware of any dangerous areas, either to shoot in due to pellet damage / ricco or dangerous machinery etc. (windows, plastic roofs, farm machinery, deep holes in the floor to fall down etc).


2. Bait up in hot spot areas using something smelly like cat food, pilchards, sweet corn etc.


3. Ideally ratting is done at 10 to 15 metres but can be done to 25 metres in some cases.


One of the permissions i shoot on in Newbottle farm has a 23 metre baited area in the barn.


4. Look at your hot spot areas and where would be a safe place to shoot from to kill the rat humanely, then work out the distance from the shooting area to the bait area and then zero at that range.


5. If you are happy with hold over and under then this is not such a big problem.


6. If you’re shooting with a friend ensure that he is aware of you arcs of fire as night time can be very confusing in new surroundings.


7. Take some medical gloves with you and a set of long nosed pliers for the clean up task afterwards, and ensure that the bodies are disposed of correctly.


8. Use hand wash and disinfectant on your skin after the task is complete.



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hi buddy

every thing Si is saying :thumbs:

congrats on the rat shooting,be prepared to get hooked! its fast and furious :thumbs:

will im prove ya standing shooting ten fold!


if ya lamping them be quick,have ya rifle up and ready.or use open sights with a laser :thumbs:

try not to lamp it to much,as they will get use to it and fook off rather sharpish!


or get ya self a NV unit and THWACK!! em all night long :thumbs:





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What they say :notworthy:


It certainly becomes addictive and is real fast fire fun.

It can also be a little unsettling as well Read my "Ratting with Dillan" posts, funny but gives you an idea of what can happen.


What sort of permission is it? Farm, Sewer Treatment Works, Dog Food producer?



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Cheers lads. And it's a large back garden. They keep chickens and the rats are digging under the pen and eating the feed. Thanks for the informative replies, appreciate it :). Does peanut butter work for bait? And i cant lamp it. Owners requests :(

Once again, thanks you lot, atleast theres somewhere on this website where you feel welcome :thumbs:

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hi buddy

peanut butter,choclit spread,cat food blendid to liquid,any thing sweet & smelly.

also it has to be liquid so they lick it up and stay they licking ,while you take aim and control the vermin :thumbs:





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