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diet anything missing?

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had my 6 month lurcher pup on a complete puppy meal,but now its due to go onto 2 feeds a day,im thinking of trying it on a raw natural diet hopefully for the good of the pup as this diet seems to be good for a working dog.my normal feeding plan consists of a mix of dry meal with raw meat anyway,but if im doing away with the meal i want to be sure im still feeding a balanced diet with the pup not missing out on importent vitimans ect,so......if im feeding rabbit skinned and gutted,lamb neck bones,minced tripe,beef ect,oily fish and the odd raw egg with shells,does anybody think it will still need more variety as not to miss out on good balanced diet for growth and later,a healthy working life?would be good to hear any advise from good dog men whose fed natural for a while and have seen the benifits to their workers,cheers in advance gaz :D

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Would be good to hear any advise from good dog men whose fed natural for a while and have seen the benifits to their workers.



Takes a bold man to proclaim himself a 'Good Dog Man', mate. Likely why the dearth of responses. But I can get round that one for ye. I have no Workers just now, but those I have and the Dogs I've kept before on such a diet have been tip top.


As for getting that from a good Dog Man? My late Dad and my Uncle fed like that. Most who knew / know them would likely agree; They seemed to know which end of a Dog was which. That do ye?


Feed as ye planning and ye Dog will do Great. Just a shame about that earlier start in life there :whistle:

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sa 37 im taking for granted this is a supplement of some kind,please tell me more,what benefit will this bring to my dog and also what does it supplement in a diet which would need to be deficient in something?cheers again for any info :clapper:

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Mine are all on barf, its the way forward in my opinion. My dogs do great on it and stamina has really improved. I can honestly say i will NEVER go back to dry food ;) The food you have listed will be great mate ;)


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Guest Ditch_Shitter
I am thinking of getting the SA 37 tablets.



Suggest ye stick with the powder, mate. Tablets work out extortionate ~ and then ye have the bother of getting the Dog to accept them. Which is easiest achieved by grinding them between two spoons - into a powder ..... :unsure:

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a big thanks to all who replied and gave advise,all of which is greatly appreciated.my pup now is on a raw diet and certianly agrees with this given the way he puts away his chuck........jesus,wouldn,t like to get my fingers in the way :D , anyway i,ve got some sa 37 to supplement his diet but would there be a need to still give a splash of cod liver oil as this supplement seems to have a wide range of vit and minerals ect.dont want to overload the pup with too much.i have always used cod liver oil when feeding but would feeding the both have an ill-affect? cheers and all the best for 07

Edited by gaz
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i see were your coming from f d but im not going to bother with (greens,veg)thats why ive went for the supplement,but cheers all the same for your views,sa 37 is one im using and seems to be popular on here,should be ok but dont want to over do it,just trying to find a balance

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't say I know as much as a lot of people about this topic, but that said in my experience the old adage was right...


"Expensive vitamins make for expensive urine"


All artificial vitamin/mineral supplements present the nutrients in a non-standard form which isn't anywhere near as biologically available as it would be from natural food. Honestly, don't bother. No need to feed veggies either imho - I've never fed my dogs veg once (and there are many others who feed this way too) and there's been no problems.


Juckler, not having a pop mate just interested; have you never had problems with supplementing Ca artificially? Messing up the Ca:P ratio, especially with synthetic Ca products, can do some real damage in the long-term.


I just feed carcasses and RMBs which have oodles of calcium naturally, in a bioavailable form.


Just some obverstaions :)

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