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Day out

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Decided to start the season off properly so off we went to North Yorks yesterday morning, me, the old fella, johnrthrfrd off here and the bairn. Got down to the land at about 7.30, as we went through the first gate there were 3 rabbits sat out in the field, quick lift of the gun out of the passenger window = first one in the bag. Made us way down to an area where we'd seen plenty on previous days, netted up and stuck the long net around as and added precaution. In went 5 ferrets, rabbits flying out everywhere managed to get 4 and lost 4. Glad longnet was there as it picked 2 up. post-42699-0-71041100-1289236839_thumb.jpg Lifted nets and moved on. As you can see from some of the pics there was still a lot of cover in places, think thats why we lost so many. After a couple more setts along the wood, me and the bairn took the easy option and went out into the middle of the field to do a couple of 3 holers. Took little dog, as you can see flat out in a ten yard dash, 5 mins later :whistling::icon_redface: rabbit caught and held until i got to her. post-42699-0-03225800-1289236874_thumb.jpgpost-42699-0-41131000-1289236811_thumb.jpg Wouldn't change her for the world though, what she lacks in speed she makes up for in heart, excellent little set dog. After taking 7 in the field and the bairn letting 1 go thinking he'd dispatched it, put it down and it set off running :icon_redface: Went back to the woodside to catch up with the old fella and john, continued to bolt a couple out of each sett and then decided to call it a day. Got back to the car and counted up 27 big healthy rabbits. Had a drive back up to the farm to say us goodbyes, on the drive up another rabbit sat out in the field, thought it was another for the bag but turned out it had mixie. Got to the farm and the farmer came out with 4 pheasants off the previous days shoot so all in all a very prosperous day.post-42699-0-59246400-1289236893_thumb.jpg

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