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long term unemployed made to work

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It won't make the slightest bit of difference, it's just another badly thought out idea to curry favour with the likes of yourselves. They are talking about four weeks a year, that's going to sway an employer to take on what most believe are work shy, long term no hoper's ?, no, it's just to con you lot. But if they refuse they'll lose their benefits you say , right ! they will loose their jobseekers and get income support instead, or they will just sign on the sick. It's just smoke and mirrors, they create a bogeyman for you all to hate, so they've got someone to clobber on your behalf, while you're busy looking at the scapegoats the fat cats are still taking all the cream, gullible fools !

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Thank god someone else can see it !   They keep you lot distracted with in fighting, whilst plundering the real wealth, destroying industry, and eradicating British culture. Wake up for fooks sak


We need to change the mind set of these serial un-employed people that this country does NOT owe them a living. In my opinion the majority of these people believe there is a big pot of money called go

Guest 2outof3

I'm sure a few stella swilling, weed puffin, tracky wearing fake gold clad innit chavs will be along along to voice their opinions on their right not to work very soon. It's only 12.30 so it might be a bit early for Roxanne to wake them.


think what the sites will be like when they force em back to work :hmm:

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It won't make the slightest bit of difference, it's just another badly thought out idea to curry favour with the likes of yourselves. They are talking about four weeks a year, that's going to sway an employer to take on what most believe are work shy, long term no hoper's ?, no, it's just to con you lot. But if they refuse they'll lose their benefits you say , right ! they will loose their jobseekers and get income support instead, or they will just sign on the sick. It's just smoke and mirrors, they create a bogeyman for you all to hate, so they've got someone to clobber on your behalf, while you're busy looking at the scapegoats the fat cats are still taking all the cream, gullible fools !


What would be your plan to get the work shy off benefits?

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It won't make the slightest bit of difference, it's just another badly thought out idea to curry favour with the likes of yourselves. They are talking about four weeks a year, that's going to sway an employer to take on what most believe are work shy, long term no hoper's ?, no, it's just to con you lot. But if they refuse they'll lose their benefits you say , right ! they will loose their jobseekers and get income support instead, or they will just sign on the sick. It's just smoke and mirrors, they create a bogeyman for you all to hate, so they've got someone to clobber on your behalf, while you're busy looking at the scapegoats the fat cats are still taking all the cream, gullible fools !


What would be your plan to get the work shy off benefits?

I'd introduce a maximum wage, that would free up money and allow for more profit to go back into a company and that would create more jobs and allow wages to rise, which in turn would remove the need for family credit, because after all, it's not the family that benefits from family credits ,it's the bosses that benefit by not having to pay a living wage, allowing more cream for themselves, which in my book makes them benefit scroungers. If there really was enough descent properly paid jobs, there really would be no excuse for long term unemployment, with real jobs available you could then take real sanctions.

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OK I've read through these replies and I'd just like to ask what will happen to Community Service as handed out to individuals as a punishment by the courts? Afterall these demeaning tasks(picking up litter and cleaning graffiti) were meant to undermine their civil liberties as a punishment for getting caught :thumbs: and sparing them serving time inside. So are they putting Law breakers and the unemployed in the same pigeon hole?

Y.I.S Leeview

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can you lot hear your selves going on about work shy lazy b*****ds dont forget it was not that long ago we found out the govmnt were f*****g us all over in the name of expensies or have you all forgoten that,,the govmnt brought in these things called training schemes,,gvmnt stats show that 1 in 26 of these people went on to find employment and it was not in what they retrained for we have been lied to for years by the polititions and gvnmt in this country and when you find they care more about illegals than they do their own people is it any wonder some say fuckem and go on the dole they give millions to foriegn aid than they do hospitals in this country,, the gvnmt will have you believe there is only about 2,1/2million unemployed in this country read their own stats it is more like 4 1/2 and if there is no work already for the people the councils employ how are they going to implement puting 1000snds on the streets doing the jobs the councils employ already just remember they are not all work shy wankers like some of you recon and before you ask yes i do work i service farm machinary have done since leaving the army in the mid 90s i have been to places were they have vast unemployment and it is because of theiving gvnmnts massive taxes and keeping people down trodden and our gvnmnt is no different they want to make it look like they are trying to make jobs for every one the jobs aint there fact the only thing they are interested in is keeping themselves fat and rich just look at there expensies.




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It won't make the slightest bit of difference, it's just another badly thought out idea to curry favour with the likes of yourselves. They are talking about four weeks a year, that's going to sway an employer to take on what most believe are work shy, long term no hoper's ?, no, it's just to con you lot. But if they refuse they'll lose their benefits you say , right ! they will loose their jobseekers and get income support instead, or they will just sign on the sick. It's just smoke and mirrors, they create a bogeyman for you all to hate, so they've got someone to clobber on your behalf, while you're busy looking at the scapegoats the fat cats are still taking all the cream, gullible fools !


What would be your plan to get the work shy off benefits?

My plan would be to get anyone who aint worked for a year to take any job whether they liked it or not lets face it there aint many places you couldnt get a job in 12 months ps start with the long termed slackers first

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can you lot hear your selves going on about work shy lazy b*****ds dont forget it was not that long ago we found out the govmnt were f*****g us all over in the name of expensies or have you all forgoten that,,the govmnt brought in these things called training schemes,,gvmnt stats show that 1 in 26 of these people went on to find employment and it was not in what they retrained for we have been lied to for years by the polititions and gvnmt in this country and when you find they care more about illegals than they do their own people is it any wonder some say fuckem and go on the dole they give millions to foriegn aid than they do hospitals in this country,, the gvnmt will have you believe there is only about 2,1/2million unemployed in this country read their own stats it is more like 4 1/2 and if there is no work already for the people the councils employ how are they going to implement puting 1000snds on the streets doing the jobs the councils employ already just remember they are not all work shy wankers like some of you recon and before you ask yes i do work i service farm machinary have done since leaving the army in the mid 90s i have been to places were they have vast unemployment and it is because of theiving gvnmnts massive taxes and keeping people down trodden and our gvnmnt is no different they want to make it look like they are trying to make jobs for every one the jobs aint there fact the only thing they are interested in is keeping themselves fat and rich just look at there expensies.




Fair comment but was nt one of the first acts David Cameron did was freeze MP's wages?

Y.I.S Leeview

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My plan would be to get anyone who aint worked for a year to take any job whether they liked it or not lets face it there aint many places you couldnt get a job in 12 months ps start with the long termed slackers first


:hmm: well I've been out of work for 15month relocated and still cant get a job :no: and what help have the job centre been :o 7.5tonne driver when I've never driven anything bigger than an escort van :o and the best one "have you thought of becoming a door supervisor we can get you on a course" I'll be 60 next birthday :boogie:

When I did work I was a French Poliher/Antique Restorer for 45yrs

Y.I.S Leeview

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It won't make the slightest bit of difference, it's just another badly thought out idea to curry favour with the likes of yourselves. They are talking about four weeks a year, that's going to sway an employer to take on what most believe are work shy, long term no hoper's ?, no, it's just to con you lot. But if they refuse they'll lose their benefits you say , right ! they will loose their jobseekers and get income support instead, or they will just sign on the sick. It's just smoke and mirrors, they create a bogeyman for you all to hate, so they've got someone to clobber on your behalf, while you're busy looking at the scapegoats the fat cats are still taking all the cream, gullible fools !


What would be your plan to get the work shy off benefits?

My plan would be to get anyone who aint worked for a year to take any job whether they liked it or not lets face it there aint many places you couldnt get a job in 12 months ps start with the long termed slackers first

Did you not read my post ! what don't you get about 12 unemployed , not applicants, unemployed, for every vacancy, so, for every job available you need 11 more, and that's assuming that every person unemployed will match a vacancy.

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It won't make the slightest bit of difference, it's just another badly thought out idea to curry favour with the likes of yourselves. They are talking about four weeks a year, that's going to sway an employer to take on what most believe are work shy, long term no hoper's ?, no, it's just to con you lot. But if they refuse they'll lose their benefits you say , right ! they will loose their jobseekers and get income support instead, or they will just sign on the sick. It's just smoke and mirrors, they create a bogeyman for you all to hate, so they've got someone to clobber on your behalf, while you're busy looking at the scapegoats the fat cats are still taking all the cream, gullible fools !


Thank god someone else can see it !


They keep you lot distracted with in fighting, whilst plundering the real wealth, destroying industry, and eradicating British culture.

Wake up for fooks sake !!!

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all the smack heads and alcholics will rob the f**k out of everybodys houses then they will get put in jail at a cost of 40 grand a year


how is that different to what they're doing now?



this country does NOT owe them a living.


that is the whole issue in a nutshell :thumbs:

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all the smack heads and alcholics will rob the f**k out of everybodys houses then they will get put in jail at a cost of 40 grand a year


how is that different to what they're doing now?



this country does NOT owe them a living.


that is the whole issue in a nutshell :thumbs:

No but this country owed them an education and a future ! and it sadly failed millions.

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I agree but the cheek of the fecker his government are putting approximately half a million on the dole plus the amount that are already on the dole .Where are all the jobs comin g from :blink: .Noticed it says manual labour so are the civil servants gonna get their hands dirty I think not :no:


I'm a Civil Servant , i work for the Army and i can assure you i get my hands very dirty indeed !!!!

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