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long term unemployed made to work

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Thank god someone else can see it !   They keep you lot distracted with in fighting, whilst plundering the real wealth, destroying industry, and eradicating British culture. Wake up for fooks sak


We need to change the mind set of these serial un-employed people that this country does NOT owe them a living. In my opinion the majority of these people believe there is a big pot of money called go

  On 08/11/2010 at 00:38, benji benji said:

crime will go through the f*****g roof all the smack heads and alcholics will rob the f**k out of everybodys houses then they will get put in jail at a cost of 40 grand a year f*****g pointless unless they going to put smack heads on vermin list.

crime will go through the roof,as they will be made to get up at a decent time and everyone will get robbed.ok that clears that up then.

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Yes a good idea I think.

Another thing would be to make everybody on unemployment benefits, sign on at 8.00 am every morning.

Would keep them in a working routine or at least disrupt there work on the side.

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Is very good idea. This government you choose , maybe good. Some peoples never work, they simply stupid, & stupid will always be stupid. Maybe many learn respect & clean up place, instead of give areas bad reputaion. I see monkey in zoo dress & clean up better than some peoples :laugh: Maybe military service good for some also :thumbs: see worlds, learn skill , get ££££ & have fun. :victory:

Edited by clint
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I agree but the cheek of the fecker his government are putting approximately half a million on the dole plus the amount that are already on the dole .Where are all the jobs comin g from :blink: .Noticed it says manual labour so are the civil servants gonna get their hands dirty I think not :no:

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This scheme has been in the pipe works for several years, and I'm sure in the news too.


I'm a firm supporter in this. It's not all drug dependant people on the dole, there are many out there on the fiddle, and it's those that need the wake up call.



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  On 08/11/2010 at 08:52, diggory said:

f**k me x box sales will plummet ! be interesting to see if this is just talk or are they actually gonna impliment it ....bit like the immigrant cap hahahahahahah :no::no:


I live near Heathrow and I can say there is definitely a change in policy and mind set when it comes to immigration.

A very good friend of mine had a member of her family come to visit, he had a tourist visa.

At immigration they decided because his job back home was not very good that he would be a bad bet on returning home.

They put him on the next plane back.


Can you imagine that happening just a few months ago?

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  On 08/11/2010 at 09:07, shepp said:
  On 08/11/2010 at 08:52, diggory said:

f**k me x box sales will plummet ! be interesting to see if this is just talk or are they actually gonna impliment it ....bit like the immigrant cap hahahahahahah :no::no:


I live near Heathrow and I can say there is definitely a change in policy and mind set when it comes to immigration.

A very good friend of mine had a member of her family come to visit, he had a tourist visa.

At immigration they decided because his job back home was not very good that he would be a bad bet on returning home.

They put him on the next plane back.


Can you imagine that happening just a few months ago?


I have a mate from malaysia, one of his freind's sons just finished a medical degree. He couldn't find a job and after 2-3 months was sent home. It is being implimented.


I totally agree with IDS, this isn't about punishment it's about getting people back in to the habit of work. We should subsidise their unpaid work, it wont be long that they will want to find something better than picking rubbish up. In turn their kids will see dad going out to work in the morning and set a good example for them to follow rather than watching telly all day long.

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  On 08/11/2010 at 08:47, rob.i said:

I agree but the cheek of the fecker his government are putting approximately half a million on the dole plus the amount that are already on the dole .Where are all the jobs comin g from :blink: .Noticed it says manual labour so are the civil servants gonna get their hands dirty I think not :no:



If 15 million immegrant come here for work, & do pack job in store, fill shelf in market & tidy street. The yun healthy Brits can do also.Immegration for low life peoples stop, more job in UK. Less scrouge like tramp happen. Uk on winner road :thumbs:

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We need to change the mind set of these serial un-employed people that this country does NOT owe them a living. In my opinion the majority of these people believe there is a big pot of money called government and its their right to take as much money out of this pot as possible by whatever means possible fraudulently or otherwise, never a thought that this pot is in fact OUR money which we pay in taxes.

In Barnsley a year or so ago the council were offering free computers and broadband connections for peoples homes, the criteria to be met to get this.....? Yep you had to be on benifits what does that show to the people?

Don't get me wrong the disabled and mentally ill people in our community need support and should get it but it makes me sad when I see how people think they can work the system, have as many kids as they want, sky TV, latest mobile phone, X Box, get up any time they want with no responsibility what so ever just so long as the benefits keep coming.

And as for there not being any jobs should I lose my job tomorrow i would stack shelves work in a shop or even serve burgers in McDonalds to provide for my family end of.

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  On 08/11/2010 at 10:00, The Seeker said:

We need to change the mind set of these serial un-employed people that this country does NOT owe them a living. In my opinion the majority of these people believe there is a big pot of money called government and its their right to take as much money out of this pot as possible by whatever means possible fraudulently or otherwise, never a thought that this pot is in fact OUR money which we pay in taxes.

In Barnsley a year or so ago the council were offering free computers and broadband connections for peoples homes, the criteria to be met to get this.....? Yep you had to be on benifits what does that show to the people?

Don't get me wrong the disabled and mentally ill people in our community need support and should get it but it makes me sad when I see how people think they can work the system, have as many kids as they want, sky TV, latest mobile phone, X Box, get up any time they want with no responsibility what so ever just so long as the benefits keep coming.

And as for there not being any jobs should I lose my job tomorrow i would stack shelves work in a shop or even serve burgers in McDonalds to provide for my family end of.



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