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big bullx doing the job single handed

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Of course they can...otherwise the first x would have gone to wall in the mid 80,s...even a slow 1 is fast enough for foxes...atb stabba


Yep, all you all need to know, right there :good:



in a straight line........ or just cubs ........ you cant kill what you cant catch.....


If you have to ask... You'll never know... :big_boss:


not run that many fox then ......:signthankspin: walked in to that then .......black%20eye.gif


Eh...? Do you think you've just tripped me up there or something?? :doh::laugh:


:no: its not your fault you not ran much and in chat room style :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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theres some right bollocks gets chatted on here, it seems more foxes die in one day on this site than they do in a full season in the real world, now heres a few facts i know..... the majority of half

Ok, I'll get with the post, the post says 'heavy', well lets face it, no heavy (as in weight) can catch much at all. As for first crosses, well run at the right weight and they'll do the job, week in

this is my bro bitch 5/8greyhound 3/8bull think she is about 5 yr old kills foxs 4 fun mate and she is heavy set mate she is big 4 a bitch

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they can twist and turn under theirselves and i aint really ever seen a fox run in a straight line .preservation is their main concern .seen a lot more dogs that couldnt catch them than could .single handed ime talking about anyone who thinks any old lurcher is good enough to catch and kill a fox aint run many .

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they can twist and turn under theirselves and i aint really ever seen a fox run in a straight line .preservation is their main concern .seen a lot more dogs that couldnt catch them than could .single handed ime talking about anyone who thinks any old lurcher is good enough to catch and kill a fox aint run many .



this lad got this eyes open :thumbs:

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listen i think a fox is a very very hard thing 2 catch i no people that say if a dog is fast anoth 2 catch a rabbit they can catch a fox . wich is a load of crap my bitch can catch rabbits with ease and i wiil say she does miss a fair share of foxes when ran on her own but she catches a few aswel but i find that people who keep heavy dogs will run them 2gether.

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the big heavy set dogs have the look a lot of lads want and win them a few ribbons at the shows,they are grand dogs and the game ones have their uses but catching foxes singlehanded is not one of em


:clapper: :clapper: :clapper: .........

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the big heavy set dogs have the look a lot of lads want and win them a few ribbons at the shows,they are grand dogs and the game ones have their uses but catching foxes singlehanded is not one of em


totally agree mate,theres alot of big heavy set dogs out there that are claimed to be singlehanded fox dogs, which is bollocks, they can be as game as they come, but before the can kill they must catch!!

and the ones that say foxes are piss easy, either havnt ran many or have chased the f****r around a field with there car first then dropped there big heavy set dogs out the widow

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A WELL BREED N BREED RIGHT I MEAN.... first cross is the perfict tool for the job weather lamping or digging for charlies' my mate used his own breed for years' never had to out cross um'' or add anything.. like i say get them breed right n thay take some beating...ATB..B

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they can twist and turn under theirselves and i aint really ever seen a fox run in a straight line .preservation is their main concern .seen a lot more dogs that couldnt catch them than could .single handed ime talking about anyone who thinks any old lurcher is good enough to catch and kill a fox aint run many .

this lad has summed it up nicely :thumbs:

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And some folk seem to forget where their 3/8 5/8 and 3/4 breds come from...off decent half x,s thats where....admittedley some half x,s shouldnt be bred from but good honest halfx,s are still out there..atb stabba

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