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what should the law on defending yourself be?

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Overall yes. But doesn't mean there mates won't. You goona go on a killing spree to remove there entire family and friends? Take Catcher's post. He said about the smack heads that came to a guys door with a hammer after he'd dropped one of them. Things like this can keep rolling and rolling. If your talking just one guy on the street coming at you then I don't really think you need to go killing him :icon_eek: Once there down and un armed are they really going to do much? Ok If there a big guy compared to me I'd be giving It legs staright away :whistling: But If they are down there's other ways to stop them getting back up there and then with out stamping on them.

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As soon as some scrote breaks into your house all his rights have gone IMO. He's breaking the law first, so whatever may happen to him after that is tough. I discussed this very matter with a friend w

when i was a kid, a mates dad caught a burgalar in the house armed with the screw driver he used to break in. a fight started, and my mates dad beat the burgalar up breaking his arm. the burgalar and

well if you don't kill him he'll be out for revenge alongside his mates and family,

what if he's got a concealed weapon?

no, if someone attacks me and tries to kill me and take my babies dad away i want him to die a painful death,all the better if im the one who gets to do it.

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id add defend your property to the list or being on my property

id say killing them is a bit extreme but battering them until they cant remember what happened would be fine and no charge of littering for dumping them in a bush and no charge of urinating on them in public :whistling:

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i found a lad trying to steal my friends fathers car when i was 17 i hit him several times with a big spanner which left him out cold on the driveway he had to get 14 staples to his head and i got a handshake from the garda and they said that will teach him manners

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are you lot for real if the police are reading what you lot put i think you might find on your renewals that they are refused,,,i am sure a lot of this is brovado but realy can you hear yourselves yes protect your self the law is fine with that and protect your family but some of what you lot are saying makes you sound like that madman derek bird and to be honest it sounds like a lot of you are just waiting for the opptunity lamp some one you should be very careful what you say these forums are able to be accessed by many organisations.




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In USA 2 years ago I discussed this very subject with a fellow hunter, he said they would shoot dead any intruder full stop. I asked why not just shoot them in the leg to stop them "simple" he replied "a court of law would support the fact I shot him as he was trying to break into my home shoot him dead he can't sue me after in a civil court".......

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